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Marieluise BECK BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Germany Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Lenka ANDRÝSOVÁ Public Affairs Czechia Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Doris BARNETT SPD Germany Socialist Group
Anne BRASSEUR Parti démocratique Luxembourg Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Viola von CRAMON-TAUBADEL BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Germany Socialist Group
Mirjana FERIĆ-VAC Social Democratic Croatia Socialist Group
György FRUNDA Union démocratique des Hongrois en Roumanie Romania Group of the European People's Party
Jean-Charles GARDETTO Union des Monégasques Monaco Group of the European People's Party
Serhiy HOLOVATY Party of Regions Ukraine Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Joachim HÖRSTER CDU/CSU Germany Group of the European People's Party
Francine JOHN-CALAME Parti vert de Suisse Switzerland Socialist Group
Tom KOENIGS BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Germany Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Franz Eduard KÜHNEL ÖVP Austria Group of the European People's Party
Harald LEIBRECHT FDP Germany Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Philippe MAHOUX PS Belgium Socialist Group
Karin ROTH SPD Germany Socialist Group
Manuel SARRAZIN BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Germany Socialist Group
Marina SCHUSTER FDP Germany Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Christoph STRÄSSER SPD Germany Socialist Group
Egidijus VAREIKIS Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union Lithuania Group of the European People's Party
Jordi XUCLÀ PDeCAT Spain Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
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