B Explanatory memorandum
by Ms Hetto-Gaasch, rapporteur
1 Introduction
“We also recognize the
need to address the changing role of men in society, as boys, adolescents
and fathers, and the challenges faced by boys growing up in today’s
world. We will further promote the shared responsibility of both
parents in education and in the raising of children, and will make
every effort to ensure that fathers have opportunities to participate
in their children’s lives.”
(United Nations General Assembly Resolution S-27/2, A
world fit for children, 2002).
1. In recent decades there have
been striking changes in the sharing of responsibilities between
women and men within families, with a shift towards a more even
balance. Equality between partners has been fundamental in freeing
women from the patriarchal model which kept them confined to the
home. However, national authorities do not always pay sufficient
attention to the position of fathers vis-à-vis their children, not least
because of the persistent stereotypes about the roles of women and
men in relations with children.
2. While men’s greater involvement in the home and family is
generally viewed as a good thing, I find that when couples separate
the role of the father in his children’s lives is often regarded
as secondary to that of the mother. It seems as if the father’s
involvement, so desirable and valued when the family is a unit,
ceases to be so once the couple separates. Consequently, in practice,
the exercise of parental responsibility is most commonly granted
to the mother, sometimes to the detriment of the father, in cases
of divorce and separation.
3. In compiling this report, I have listened to many fathers
for whom separation from their children is extremely painful. From
their stories, I have also heard of children caught in the crossfire
of parental conflict, used sometimes as a bargaining chip and cut
off from contact with one or other parent. In these cases the interest
of the child, so often held up as paramount, was in reality ignored.
4. Reactions to my report, whose original title made reference
to “the rights of fathers”, have been highly instructive. I have
often been told that shared residence should not be allowed in cases
of manifest domestic violence, that fathers must be made to pay
maintenance, that fathers do not have “rights” to their children
and that due consideration must be given to the child’s interest
in family cases. I entirely agree. Domestic violence is certainly
indicative of a high-conflict situation in which shared residence,
which implies that the parents agree on the living arrangements
for their children, is not appropriate. Obviously, parents must
comply with child maintenance obligations. But it must be borne
in mind that the father’s role is not simply to provide for their material
needs – the children’s personal relationship with their father must
also be preserved. I would also impress upon fathers the need to
play their full role and fulfil their responsibilities towards their
children, including when their family or personal circumstances
5. This report is built entirely on the child’s interest. I am
convinced that, except in particularly serious circumstances, it
is in the interest of children to maintain links with both their
parents. Working towards increased consideration for fathers in
this field is a means of achieving full equality between men and
women and transcending gender stereotypes. My main aim in this report
is therefore to identify good practices and propose balanced measures
to promote gender equality when exercising shared parental responsibility,
while ensuring that the child’s interests are safeguarded.
2 Recent trends in the area of shared
parental responsibility
6. In Europe, the division of
roles between men and women has undoubtedly shifted towards greater equality.
In its Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)17 on gender equality standards
and mechanisms, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
said that the “social significance of maternity and paternity and the
role of both parents in the upbringing of children must be taken
into consideration to ensure that both women’s and men’s human rights
are fully and equally respected”. The family sphere “must secure
women and men the same parental rights and responsibilities, irrespective
of marital status, including provisions on economic maintenance
for children, parental responsibilities and contact with children
in cases of separation”.
Note The development of the idea of shared
parental responsibility reflects this change in approach.
2.1 Definitions
7. The concept of shared responsibility
has been developed at the Council of Europe and other international
organisations to mark the shift in recent decades towards increased
sharing of responsibilities between women and men in the household.
The development of this concept is part of the more general framework
of the work on children’s rights and parenthood.
8. Article 18 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights
of the Child states the principle that both parents have common
responsibilities for the upbringing and development of the child.
A prerequisite of shared parental responsibility is that parents
should be equal before the law. There has been a clear shift towards parental
equality in most member States of the Council of Europe since the
1970s. It is interesting to note here that in 1975, Article 7 of
the European Convention on the Legal Status of Children Born out
of Wedlock (ETS No. 85) stated that “[w]here the affiliation of
a child born out of wedlock has been established as regards both parents,
parental authority may not be attributed automatically to the father
alone”. The objective in 1975 was therefore to safeguard the rights
of the mother. At that time, the French Civil Code included the
concepts of “head of family” (
chef de
famille) or “paternal power” (
paternelle), and English law considered the father to
be “the natural guardian of his legitimate child”.
Note Nowadays
we find that in most European countries parental authority tends
to be vested in both parents. Iceland is a perfect example of this
shift: whereas in 1994, parental authority was exercised jointly
in only 10% of cases following a separation, in 2011 the figure
was 90%.
9. Back in 1984, the Committee of Ministers adopted Recommendation
No. R (84) 4 on parental responsibilities in which it stressed the
need to improve the legal systems in place in order to protect children and
promote their development while guaranteeing legal equality between
parents. In this recommendation, parental responsibilities were
defined as “a collection of duties and powers which aim at ensuring
the moral and material welfare of the child, in particular by taking
care of the person of the child, by maintaining personal relationships
with him and by providing for his education, his maintenance, his
legal representation and the administration of his property”. This
definition has been refined over many years of work and research,
but the fundamental principles remain the same.
10. Accordingly, parental responsibilities relate to a collection
of rights and duties aimed at promoting and protecting the child’s
rights and welfare. It should, however, be pointed out that certain
member States prefer to use the term “parental authority”, for example
Germany (elterliche Sorge),
Italy (potestà genitoriale)
or France (autorité parentale),
or even “custody” as is the case in Canada and the United States.
Other countries, the United Kingdom for example, use the term “parental
responsibility”. The Swiss legal system has both concepts: “parental
responsibility” is used as a generic term referring to all the obligations
of parents towards their children and includes both parental authority
and the maintenance obligation. In this context, “parental authority”
comprises all the rights and duties of parents towards children.
These differing terminological approaches complicate comparisons
of the legislation and practices in force, and make it more difficult
to draw up common rules for the Council of Europe member States.
11. For the purposes of this report, I shall opt for a generally
accepted definition of the concept of parental responsibility, as
given in a recent recommendation of the Committee of Ministers.
This identifies a “collection of duties, rights and powers, which
aim to promote and safeguard the rights and welfare of the child
in accordance with the child’s evolving capacities”.
Note These
duties, rights and powers include the child’s health and development,
his or her personal relationships, education and legal representation,
decisions on his or her habitual place of residence and the administration
of his or her property. In this report, therefore, I will endeavour
to use the term “parental responsibility”. When examining practices
in certain member States, however, I will employ the terminology
commonly used in those countries, such as “parental authority” in
the case of France and Germany.
12. The present report deals extensively with shared residence
for children following separation or divorce. For the purposes of
this report, “shared residence” means an arrangement whereby the
child lives alternately with each parent for more or less equal
amounts of time, which may be fixed in days or weeks, or even months. Other
terms are used to refer to this type of living arrangement: shared
custody, alternating custody, or even equal or joint residence.
In the case of “sole” residence, on the other hand, it is decided
that the child is to live with only one of the parents, with the
other parent being allowed a defined amount of access.
13. Terminological clarity is not aided by the fact that some
legal systems use the terms “custody” to mean parental responsibility
or authority, which may be either “joint” or “sole”, and “shared
custody” (Canada) or “joint physical custody” (United States) to
refer to the child’s living arrangements. The concept of custody
(in the sense of “residence”) needs to be distinguished from that
of parental responsibility or authority, however. Just because a
child lives with only one of the parents does not mean that parent
has sole parental authority. The fact that a child lives with one
parent must not deprive the other parent of his or her right to
have a say in the important decisions affecting the child’s life,
for example in matters of health or schooling. In order to avoid
any confusion, therefore, I will endeavour to use, as far as possible,
the term “shared residence” rather than “custody”.
2.2 The
child’s personal relationships following a separation
14. In Europe, there are more than
10 million children whose parents have divorced. The question of
these children’s personal relationships with their parents is of
paramount importance for them. The 2003 Council of Europe Convention
on Contact concerning Children (ETS No. 192) accordingly underlines
the right of children and their parents to maintain personal relations
and regular direct contact. The European Court of Human Rights has
also ruled on many occasions that for a parent and child, the ability
to be together is an essential part of family life which must be
safeguarded under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human
Rights (ETS No. 5).
15. Shared residence is defined as an arrangement whereby the
children of separated or divorced parents spend almost the same
amount of time with each parent following the separation, in other
words at least 35% (or in some cases 50%) with one parent. One question
I sought to clarify was whether or not there was a real benefit
for children who spend at least 35% with each parent, as compared
with those who live primarily with their mother and spend less than
35% with their father. This led me to consider which type of arrangement
was the best for children.
16. To find answers to these questions, I looked at Dr Linda Nielsen’s
summary of 40 studies on this subject,
Note and various
analyses carried out in Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland.
It should be pointed out that Dr Nielsen states that these 40 studies
had their limitations, in particular regarding the claim that children
whose parents have a comfortable level of income and between whom
there are fewer conflicts will probably have fewer problems after
their parents’ separation. Only 16 of the 40 studies took these
factors into account, so it would be wrong to conclude that these
two factors mattered more than the shared residence factor.
17. The positive effects of shared residence have been highlighted
in numerous studies. In the United States, the most significant
study on this subject, carried out in the 1980s (the Stanford Custody Project), analysed
over a four-year period the situation of 1 386 children aged between
4 and 16, from 1 100 divorced families. The study concluded that
in comparison with children living primarily with their mother,
those living under a shared residence arrangement were less prone
to depression, were well adjusted, were less likely to be stressed
as they did not feel obliged to take care of their mother, were
less agitated, were more able to deal with conflicts, were more
balanced and happy, had fewer health problems and had a better relationship
with their two parents. Their fathers attended school events more
frequently and the children felt that both parents had the same
level of authority.
18. Similar results emerge from studies carried out in Belgium,
France, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. In Australia, a 2009
study found that 70% to 80% of parents who had opted for shared
residence were satisfied with their choice, but above all that shared
residence benefits both parents and children and children derived
real benefit from this arrangement.
19. In Germany, Professor Hildegund Sünderhauf-Kravets found that
40% of children lose contact with the parent with whom they do not
live some years after the separation or divorce and that 93% of
young adults who had tried shared residence stated that this was
the best solution for them.
20. At the hearing held by the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination
on 20 March 2015, Professor Sünderhauf-Kravets said that shared
residence ensured, on the one hand, that one parent was no longer excluded
and, on the other, that legal, educational and practical responsibilities
were shared. She commented that living with only one parent (usually
the mother) perpetuated outdated parental roles by placing too much of
the responsibility on the woman. Accordingly, the effects of shared
residence were for the most part positive, both for the child and
for the parents. Sociological studies have found that when residence
was shared the child often fared as well as in a united family,
and the child’s attachment to each parent was the same. These studies also
showed that because both parents were able to work, they were able
to earn more. So it seems that in most cases shared residence is
the best way of preserving contact with the father and safeguarding
the rights of both parents.
21. On the matter of the child–father relationship, a World Health
Organization (WHO) study which looked at the situation of children
aged 11, 13 and 15 in various countries concluded that the children’s
level of satisfaction was closely linked to how easy they found
it to communicate with their fathers, regardless of the family situation
(intact, shared residence, financial situation, etc.).
Note Accordingly, it is very important
to acknowledge the role of fathers in the harmonious development
of their children.
22. A previous study by Dr Nielsen also shows that the relationship
between fathers and daughters suffers more following a divorce than
the relationship between fathers and sons. It would appear that
shared residence has a bigger impact on girls than on boys. Although
girls are more quickly involved in the conflicts of their parents,
the fact of living regularly with their father makes them feel less
responsible for their mother’s well-being. Boys find it easier not
to become involved in their parents’ disputes. A study in the Netherlands
also showed that in families with high conflict potential, shared
residence was more suited to boys than to girls.
23. In general, it can be said that shared residence is more beneficial
than living with just one parent, in terms of psychological, emotional
and social well-being, physical health and stress-related illnesses.
Moreover, and more importantly perhaps, children have a deeper relationship
with their fathers and are more easily able to communicate with
24. The question often arises whether there is a beneficial or
detrimental effect on very young children (0-4 years of age) who
spend the night alternately with each parent. A study in Australia
clearly showed that “overnighting” had no negative effect on the
very young and that there was a beneficial effect for children aged 4
to 6, especially girls. Well-organised and strictly observed shared
residence, together with a good relationship with each parent, has
greater impact than the fact that children spend the night with
both parents.
25. In preparing this report, I also wanted to hear from those
who are critical of shared residence. In the case of children below
the age of 4 years, it is sometimes argued that the child’s proper
emotional development requires fostering a stable bond with the
mother and avoiding repeated and prolonged separations between mother
and infant as much as possible, although the father may still have
frequent contact with the child.
Note I am
very interested to note that these criticisms do not totally rule
out, however, the possibility of shared residence, or even recourse
to a plan whereby the amount of time a parent has his or her child
to stay gradually increases as the child develops
Note and which must be rigorously
adhered to by both parents.
26. The criticisms levelled at shared residence arrangements are
often robust and centre on the claim firstly that such arrangements
are not in the interests of the child and secondly that they have
a destabilising effect. It has, however, been observed that “the
latest research shows … that it is not so much the type of custody that
matters as how it is applied … The context and family dynamics need
to be assessed on a case-by-case basis as no single custody model
is right for everyone”.
27. Going from one parent to the other is never easy and the atmosphere
in which this handover takes place is very important for the children.
Note I was
shocked to hear of parents undressing their children just outside
their former spouse’s home so as not to share the children’s clothing.
I appreciate the fact that separation is a painful time for couples
and that shared residence requires parents to see one another on
a regular basis and can open old wounds. At the same time, however,
parents have to act responsibly and treat their children with respect
and take account of their needs.
28. To conclude on this point, I should mention that in certain
circumstances, the benefits of shared residence decrease though
do not entirely disappear. This is the case:
- where the parents are in constant conflict. In such cases,
girls in particular feel caught between the two parents, but nonetheless
feel close to their father and do not feel obliged to take care
of their mother;
- where there is a poor relationship with the father or
the mother;
- for adolescents who complain of the disadvantages of having
to live in two homes. All the same, they also say that these inconveniences
are worth it, because the situation enables them to maintain contact with
both parents;
- where the geographical distance between the two homes
is too great.
29. Consequently, while factors such as family income, the parents’
level of education, the quality of the parent–child relationship
or the level of conflict between the parents all influence the situation,
I am convinced that shared residence has a decisive impact on the
child’s well‑being. I would also emphasise that children living
under a shared residence arrangement have deeper and more lasting
relationships with their father. For while we may all agree that
it is not the amount of time spent that is crucial in the bonding
process but rather the quality of the relationship, the fact is,
to quote the clinical psychological Gérard Poussin, “in order for
there to be some quality to the relationship, there has to be a
relationship! In other words, a certain minimum amount of time below
which it is not possible to initiate a bonding process. We cannot
very well claim to respect the role of the father if, at the same
time, we make it impossible for him to develop a relationship with
his child”.
Note As
pointed out by Francine Cyr in the White Paper on shared residence,
“a certain frequency and regularity of contact is essential if a
sense of familiarity and security is to develop between parent and
3 Family
law and practice in the Council of Europe member States
30. The right of children to maintain
relations with their parents is enshrined in several international
legal instruments. Article 9 of the 1989 United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child highlights the right of children not
to be separated from their parents unless it is in their best interests
and to maintain personal relations with the parent or parents from
whom they are separated.
31. Nevertheless, despite the international and national texts
advocating the maintaining of the child’s links with his or her
parents, there is no doubt that residence and access rights can
suffer in cases of separation in which there is a high degree of
conflict. Women may see a violation of their rights, as found by
the European Court of Human Rights in a recent case against the
Republic of Moldova.
Note However,
fathers are particularly affected by the failure to uphold their
rights to maintain contact with their children. The fact that a
couple is not married can sometimes exacerbate the situation regarding
parental responsibility.
3.1 The
living arrangements of children of separated parents
32. In its
Resolution 1921 (2013) on gender equality, reconciliation of private and working
life and co-responsibility, the Parliamentary Assembly called on
the public authorities of Council of Europe member States to uphold
the right of fathers to enjoy shared responsibility by ensuring
that family law provides, in the event of separation or divorce,
for the possibility of joint custody of children, in their best
interests, based on mutual agreement between the parents, while
clearly stating that it should never be imposed.
33. With only a few exceptions, the legislation of Council of
Europe member States provides for the possibility of shared residence
arrangements for children following a separation or divorce. In
practice, sole residence is granted to the mother in the vast majority
of cases. It should be pointed out that this often reflects the
fact that relatively few fathers request permission for their children
to reside solely with them, particularly when the children are very
34. In Luxembourg, there is no legal basis for shared residence.
Custody is awarded to one parent and the other parent will be allowed
a defined amount of access. After divorce, moreover, joint exercise
of parental authority is not guaranteed by law and requires a court
order. This means that courts sometimes refuse to grant joint parental
authority, including in cases of divorce by mutual consent.
Note In a judgment handed down
on 12 December 2008, however, the Constitutional Court of Luxembourg
ruled that certain articles of the Civil Code were not compatible
with the principle of equality contained in Article 10 bis (1) of
the Constitution inasmuch as they did not allow divorced parents
to jointly exercise parental authority over any children they might
have together. Despite this ruling, the said articles of the Civil
Code have not been brought into line with the Constitution. In practice,
therefore, the courts continue to decide on a case-by-case basis
which of the two parents will be assigned parental authority, especially
where the divorce is not amicable. In such cases, parental authority
will be assigned to the custodial parent, usually the mother.
35. At my meetings in Luxembourg on 27 February 2015, I was told
that introducing shared residence and removing “non-custodial parent”
status from the Civil Code would have the effect of putting both
parents on an equal footing. “Non-custodial” parents in Luxembourg
were seen as facing severe discrimination in day-to-day life. For
even if non-custodial parents have parental authority, in practice
they have no say in the most important decisions affecting their
child: often they do not receive letters from the school and nor
do they have automatic access to the child’s medical records.
36. There is no doubt that Luxembourg society is ready for a change
in the laws on divorce and affiliation. Same-sex marriage and adoption
have been permitted since 1 January 2015, proof, if it were needed,
of the country’s open-minded attitude to societal and family issues.
But concepts such “legitimate/illegitimate child”, “custodial/non-custodial
parent” and rules such as the one whereby parental authority automatically
devolves upon the mother in cases where an unmarried couple separates
or whereby the child resides with one parent and the other has only
visiting rights, no longer have any place in the legislation. I
welcome the Justice Minister’s announcement that a new divorce bill
is to be tabled. This reform is particularly important as it will affect
a large number of people. According to estimates, 54% of couples
in Luxembourg divorce. It is important, however, that due consideration
also be given to the case of unmarried couples with children who
37. In France, shared residence was introduced by law in 2002.
Under Article 373-2-9 of the Civil Code, it may be decided that
a child is to reside alternately with each of the parents or with
one of them. According to a survey by the Ministry of Justice,
Note a decision on shared
residence is given in 17% of divorce or separation proceedings,
one of the highest rates in Europe. In 80% of cases, moreover, it
is the result of an agreement between the parents.
38. At a hearing of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination
on 20 March 2015, Ms Anne Solaz from the French National Institute
for Demographic Studies (INED) and who is one of the authors of
a recent INSEE study on the living arrangements of children following
a divorce,
Note said that two thirds
of divorces in France involved minors and that residence with the
mother was the norm in 75% of cases. This study showed that shared
residence was more common in more affluent circles, due to certain
financial constraints such as the need for each parent to have accommodation
with enough room when the children came to stay. But shared residence
was on the rise in France. It had doubled since its introduction
in 2002. Ms Solaz emphasised to the committee the symbolic significance
of shared residence for the equality of rights between both parents and
specifically for the preservation of contact between fathers and
their children.
39. When asked by the television channel Arte in 2013 about shared
residence, French judges said that while it was increasingly being
applied in France, it would probably never become the general rule
because it was not feasible in many situations, either for practical
reasons, where the parents’ places of residence were too far from
each other or where their working hours were too restrictive, or
because of the parents’ extremely confrontational relationship.
Note Shared residence
was generally considered an option where both parents agreed. In
order to avoid any veto by one of the parents, the French courts
can impose shared residence in the interests of the child. However,
in most cases, the courts do not order shared residence where one
of the parents is not in favour. For example, when the father seeks
shared custody and the mother sole residence, the father obtains
his wish in only 25% of cases, as against 40% of cases the other
way round. This tendency has been criticised as particularly unfavourable,
if not discriminatory, to the father.
Note It
leads to an imbalance between parents and is likely to discourage
fathers from seeking shared residence, perpetuating the perception of
a legal system that is largely unfavourable to fathers.
40. On 24 June 2015, I interviewed Ms Josiane Bigot, Chamber President
at the Court of Appeal of Colmar, about her experience, as a judge,
of shared residence arrangements. Ms Bigot told me that shared residence was
introduced in France on the basis of the United Nations Convention
on the Rights of the Child which states that a child has the right
not to be separated from its parents. Increasingly, however, shared
residence is becoming a parental arrangement, if not a parental
right, and the child’s interests merely a secondary consideration.
In Ms Bigot’s view, children should not only be consulted when the
decision about where they are to live is being made, but should
also be able to apply to the family court for a review of the decision
if it does not suit them, or no longer suits them. In my opinion,
it is very important to be able to adapt children’s living arrangements
according to individual circumstances and over time.
Note Likewise,
the way children divide their time between the parents should be
adjusted according to the capacities of the child. Lastly, I firmly believe
that shared residence should be about a child’s right to have a
relationship with both parents, and not a parental entitlement.
41. It is essential, in my view, that the right of children to
be heard should be respected in all matters that affect them as
soon as they are deemed to have a sufficient understanding of the
matters in question. This requirement is enshrined in numerous international
legal instruments, in particular the European Convention on the
Exercise of Children’s Rights (ETS No. 160) which states that in
judicial proceedings children should receive all relevant information,
should be consulted and express their views and should be informed
on the possible consequences of compliance with these views and
the possible consequences of any decision (Article 3). The Council
of Europe Guidelines on child-friendly justice, adopted in 2010,
also usefully pointed out that “a child should not be precluded
from being heard solely on the basis of age. Whenever a child takes the
initiative to be heard in a case that affects him or her, the judge
should not, unless it is in the child’s best interests, refuse to
hear the child and should listen to his or her views and opinion
on matters concerning him or her in the case”.
Note All
professionals involved in family proceedings should be guided by
these principles.
42. I should like to conclude on this point by saying that, in
addition to Luxembourg, some other member States do not provide
for shared residence in their legislation, such as Albania, Greece
and Poland. Elsewhere, in Italy and Portugal for example, although
shared residence is provided for by law, it is rarely used.
Note I hope this report will serve as an incentive
for these countries to start thinking about introducing shared residence
into their legal systems or to encourage its use by the courts.
3.2 The
enforcement of child residence and access decisions
43. Most member States provide
for sanctions for the failure to hand over children. In my country, Luxembourg,
failure to hand over children is punishable by severe criminal penalties,
but it would appear that prosecutions are not systematically brought
and this tends to create a sense of impunity among parents who fail
to respect the other parent’s rights of access. It is true that
this is a sensitive area and it is not always easy to find the right
judicial solution. Consequently, although a legal framework seems
to be in place in a large majority of Council of Europe member States,
many cases oblige us to conclude that court decisions on custody
or access rights are not sufficiently complied with.
44. The European Court of Human Rights has had to deal with a
large number of family cases regarding the enforcement of child
residence and access decisions. In a 2006 case, the Court found
against the Czech Republic for failing to take all the necessary
steps to enforce the applicant’s right of access.
Note The same
year, the Court once again found against the Czech Republic for
failing to allow the applicant to challenge a decision withdrawing
his right of access to his children after the national authorities
had taken no action to enforce the decision granting him such access.
Note In a case
against Italy in 2013, the Court ruled that “whilst coercive measures
affecting children are not desirable in this sensitive area, the
imposition of penalties must not be ruled out where there has been
manifestly unlawful behaviour on the part of the parent with whom
the child is living”.
Note If
the national authorities fail to take action, this may make it impossible
to build a stable relationship between a parent and child.
45. Residence and access questions can be particularly complicated
in the case of couples of two different nationalities where the
legislation and judicial authorities of several countries are applicable.
This difficulty is illustrated by the Shaw
v. Hungary case brought before the European Court of
Human Rights in 2009 concerning a child born to an Irish father
and a Hungarian mother, both of whom resided in Paris. The divorce judgment
delivered in 2005 granted the parents joint parental authority,
stipulating that the child would remain in France so that the father
could exercise his parental responsibilities. However, in 2007,
the mother decided to move to Hungary with the child and not return
to France. The father initiated proceedings before the Hungarian
courts which acknowledged that the child’s habitual place of residence
was in France. The mother refused to comply with this decision and
disappeared with the child. The father brought proceedings in Hungary in
vain and subsequently in France where, in 2008, an order was given
for the child to be returned to France. The Hungarian courts refused
to implement this decision. As a result, the father was deprived
of all contact with his daughter for three and a half years. In
a 2011 judgment, the European Court of Human Rights found that there
had been a violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on
Human Rights concerning respect for family life on the ground that
Hungary had failed to take appropriate and effective measures to
enforce the child’s return to her father. Two weeks after this judgment,
the Hungarian police located the girl at her maternal grandparents’
home. She has since been living in France with her father.
46. At a hearing of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination
on 28 January 2015, Mr Shaw described the many obstacles he had
had to overcome in order to secure his daughter’s return. He had
initiated some 70 sets of proceedings, some of which were still
ongoing. He had shown remarkable perseverance and it would be entirely
understandable if other fathers in similar circumstances were discouraged
by the amounts of energy, procedures and money required. Mr Shaw
stressed the need for a prompt response by the authorities when
the unlawful removal of a child was reported. Indeed, time is of
the essence in getting the child back and for preserving the relationship
between the parent and the child. The European Court of Human Rights
has pointed out on several occasions that the passage of time can
have irremediable consequences for the relationship between child
and parent when they do not live together.
47. At this hearing of 28 January 2015, Maître Thuan dit Dieudonné,
Mr Shaw’s lawyer, urged member States to implement The Hague Convention
of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
This convention, very widely ratified,
Note establishes
a system of co-operation between central authorities and an accelerated
procedure for the prompt return of the child to his or her State
of habitual residence after having been abducted by his or her father
or mother. The principle of immediate return, central to this convention,
is intended as a deterrent which the convention sees as being in
the child’s general interest. The decision to return a child is
therefore designed to restore the status quo which existed prior
to the wrongful removal or failure to return the child and to deprive
the abducting parent of any advantage obtained thereby. The convention
specifically lists exceptions to the requirement to return a child.
These include situations where there is a grave risk of exposure
to physical or psychological harm, the child objects to being returned
and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate
to take account of his or her views, or where more than one year
has elapsed and the child is settled in his or her new environment.
This last point shows how vital it is for national authorities to
react fast. But the case law of the European Court of Human Rights
is full of cases where the time taken to secure a child’s return
has been abnormally long, resulting in a breach of the family rights
of the applicants, fathers and mothers alike.
3.3 Family
48. My research and conversations
during the preparation of this report, along with the accounts I
was able to obtain from parents convinced me of the importance of
developing mediation on child residence in family matters following
a separation. Several Council of Europe instruments underline the
importance of seeking agreement between the parents. One such is
the 1996 Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights (ETS No. 160),
Article 13 of which encourages the provision of mediation or other
processes to resolve disputes.
Note All member States should ratify this
convention and implement this essential provision on mediation.
49. Mediation is a way of empowering parents by getting them to
decide themselves what their children’s living arrangements will
be after separation. During my conversations in Luxembourg on 27
February 2015, Ms Lydie Err, the Luxembourg Ombudsperson, referred
to “bespoke” mediation arrangements as opposed to the kind of “off-the-peg”
solution favoured by the courts when parents fail to agree, namely
“every other weekend and half the school holidays”.
Note The
law in Luxembourg provides for a free information session on mediation
and broader use should be made of this option for the courts to
order a meeting of this kind in all cases of litigation.
50. In the United Kingdom, powerful incentives to use mediation
have been introduced. For example, a “mediation information and
assessment meeting” became compulsory in April 2014 for all separating
couples with children, except where there has been domestic violence.
The issue of recourse to mediation in domestic abuse cases has prompted
debate in European countries. As in the United Kingdom, it is prohibited
in Spain under Organic Law 1/2004 on measures for comprehensive
protection against gender-based violence. The Convention on Preventing
and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (CETS
No. 210, “Istanbul Convention”) does not prohibit recourse to mediation
but does prohibit countries from making it mandatory (Article 48).
Accordingly, in Austria, recourse to mediation is permitted but
is accompanied by victim protection measures, such as the victim’s
express consent to mediation, the absence of any obligation to meet the
abuser, and the right to be accompanied by a lawyer from the women’s
support centre (Intervention Centre).
51. One of the benefits of mediation is that it often enables
parents to start talking to each other again and work together to
find the best possible solution to their dispute in the interests
of the child. Such arrangements almost always prove viable in the
long term because they are designed by the two parents themselves,
rather than imposed by a court. It has also been noted that there
is greater compliance with the maintenance requirement where the
parents have concluded an agreement. It appears that the payment
of maintenance depends more on the quality of the parents’ relationship
than on the earnings of the parent who has to pay maintenance.
52. There are various models of mediation. I would mention here
the “Cochem model”, named after a town in Germany where a family
court judge, Jürgen Rudolph, introduced a system of co-operation
between the judicial authorities, the Bar Association, the youth
protection office and counselling services that helps parents find
amicable solutions to meet their children’s needs.
53. In an interview I had with Professor Rudolph on 18 May 2015,
he told me that the Cochem model is designed primarily to convince
separating or divorcing parents that they have a joint responsibility
towards their children. Accordingly, the various individuals, specialists
and institutions involved in the procedure work together in an interdisciplinary
fashion to get the parents to talk to one another and to accept
that the child has a relationship with both parents. During the
interview, Professor Rudolph criticised what he saw as a tendency to
focus overly on the parents, to the detriment of the children. Assuming
that a child loves both parents, the most important thing, in his
view, is to maintain the child’s links with each of them and to
enable the child to continue these relationships after the parents
have separated.
54. Under the Cochem model, the parents have to talk to one another
and confer on all matters relating to their child, including even
minor issues. The child’s perspective determines how decisions are
made and how the different competences of the various parties involved
fit together, and the framework that is agreed upon must be rigorously
adhered to. Professor Rudolph has spoken out in favour of mandatory
consultation sessions with a mediator in divorce cases. Such consultation
may be arranged by a court, with the parents being required to attend.
55. Several features of the Cochem model can be seen in the new
German law on proceedings in family matters and in matters of non-contentious
jurisdiction of 17 December 2008,
Note and in particular Article
155 on the accelerated procedure (the hearing takes place at the
latest one month after the proceedings have been instituted), Article
156 on information concerning the opportunities for counselling
and mediation and Article 163 on the expert’s report which must
be directed towards finding a solution.
56. An accelerated family procedure (Das
beschleunigte Familienverfahren) was developed in Berlin
by the Bar Association and family courts, based on the Cochem model.
Launched in April 2007, this initiative has been very successful
and in 2014 was awarded the “Crystal Scales of Justice” prize by
the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). This
accelerated family procedure was prompted by the realisation that children
need stable and harmonious relationships with both their parents
and that the quality of those relationships cannot be imposed by
a court. The aim was therefore to find a solution worked out jointly
by both parents, which both of them can keep to. The three principal
arms of this approach are formed by a specific procedure underpinned
by multidisciplinary teams (judges, lawyers, youth services) which
think along the same lines and send the same message to parents.
57. Thanks to this procedure, 70% of parenting plans are arrived
at by mutual consent, with no need for a court order. It has also
been noted that this procedure prevents any worsening of parental
conflicts and increases the level of mutual comprehension amongst
professionals. The results of this procedure are very impressive.
In Berlin alone, it involves 100 family court judges and close on
14 000 lawyers, 12 child protection services and 600 social workers.
I would add that these results were achieved with very limited financial
and human resources, because it was in fact a matter of redeploying
existing resources effectively. This model should be a source of
inspiration to the other member States of the Council of Europe.
58. Other countries have developed groundbreaking practices, such
as Canada where mediation allows parents to agree on a parenting
plan that covers the most important aspects of the child’s life,
such as where they live, which school they attend, after-school
activities, etc. This plan can be amended by agreement between the
parents themselves, via mediation or, if the parents cannot agree,
by the courts.
in Croatia, the Civil Code provides for a shared parenting plan
detailing the various aspects of a child’s life, for example where
he or she lives, how much time is spent with each parent, and how
much maintenance is paid by the parent with whom the child is not
living. Very interestingly, the Civil Code requires parents to acquaint the
child with the content of this shared parenting plan and to seek
the child’s opinion, depending on his or her age and maturity. This
emphasises the importance of involving children in decisions directly
affecting them.
59. These very positive examples of mediation should be developed
further in our member States as a way of calming relations between
parents and making them act more responsibly towards their children.
I believe it is vital to support mediation mechanisms and encourage
parenting plans which enable parents to determine the principal
aspects of their children’s lives themselves. This is in the interest
of the children, who all too often become a pawn in dealings between
their parents. Lastly, I believe that mediation allows couples to
focus on their relationship as parents after their conjugal relationship
has come to an end.
4 Continuing
discrimination and stereotypes based on sex or marital status
60. The media have reported on
practices which discriminate against fathers, for example the refusal
by a firm to allow its male employees to work part-time
Note or
a court decision refusing to cancel the adoption of a child whose
mother had opted to give birth anonymously and refusing to place
the child with his biological father.
Note I view
these cases as a perpetuation of the stereotypical roles attributed
to men and women in their relationship with the family and with
children. Entitlement to parental leave is especially significant
here, as is the situation in certain member States with regard to
unmarried fathers.
61. In the course of my research, I also identified a number of
practices followed by the administrative authorities in our countries
which help to perpetuate stereotypes and to relegate fathers to
the sidelines. For example, information sent home from school is
frequently addressed only to the mother. This is especially true where
the parents are separated. In this case, the parent with whom the
child is not living is treated differently. A recent study in Denmark
has likewise shown that, in most cases, information about crèches,
doctor’s visits and school attendance is sent by the local authorities
to the mothers only, even though 85% of parents agree that it should
be sent to both parents.
Note Another example: in
Luxembourg, the social security card is not issued to both parents.
Likewise, in France, despite the growing popularity of shared residence,
social benefits are often poorly adapted to this kind of arrangement,
particularly when it comes to childcare or housing benefit which
can only be given to one parent.
4.1 Parental
62. Several Council of Europe member
States grant paid parental leave only to mothers, despite the many international
instruments which place an obligation on States to ensure gender
equality in the field of family rights and responsibilities. According
to a recent study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD), Cyprus, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic,
Switzerland and Turkey do not grant paid parental leave for fathers.
63. A recent case before the European Court of Human Rights illustrated
how parental leave can sometimes be reserved for women despite the
repeated recommendations of the Council of Europe. In the
Markin v. Russia case, a member
of the armed forces, father of three children and divorced, had
agreed with his former spouse that the children would reside with
him. As one of the children was very young, the applicant asked
to be granted three years’ parental leave, which was refused on
the ground that such leave was granted only to female military personnel.
He was, however, granted three months’ leave. The Court found that
there had been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention concerning
respect for family life in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention
which prohibits all forms of discrimination. It held that “the traditional
distribution of gender roles in society cannot justify the exclusion
of men, including servicemen, from the entitlement to parental leave.
… gender stereotypes, such as the perception of women as primary
child-carers and men as primary breadwinners, cannot, by themselves,
be considered to amount to sufficient justification for a difference
in treatment, any more than similar stereotypes based on race, origin,
colour or sexual orientation”.
64. I gather that since the Markin judgment
the Russian authorities have been considering an amendment to the
law, authorising fathers who are servicemen to take parental leave
of up to three years. I welcome this development.
65. It is interesting to note that this judgment against Russia
reversed the Court’s previous case law (in particular the
Petrovic v. Austria judgment of
1998), in the light of trends observed in Council of Europe member States
regarding the sharing of child-rearing responsibilities between
men and women, and in particular the role of the father vis-à-vis
young children. The Court also pointed out that “references to traditions,
general assumptions or prevailing social attitudes in a particular
country are insufficient justification for a difference in treatment
on grounds of sex”.
Note Legal theorists note that with
this judgment the European Court of Human Rights has shown courage
in attacking the stereotypes that persist in many societies about
the proper roles of men and, by extension, of women.
66. The Court relied here on a change of approach initiated by
the Court of Justice of the European Union in a case concerning
“breastfeeding leave” in Spain. Mothers with employee status were
entitled to this leave, and fathers with employee status were also
entitled provided the mother of their child had that same status.
In the case brought before the Court of Justice, a father with employee
status challenged the refusal to grant him this leave on the ground
that the mother of his child was a self-employed professional. In
a judgment of 2010 the Court of Justice first held that the effect
of “breastfeeding leave” was to change working hours and was not limited
to breastfeeding as such since fathers with employee status were
also entitled to it. It stated that “to hold … that only a mother
whose status is that of an employed person is the holder of the
right to qualify for the leave at issue in the main proceedings,
whereas a father with the same status can only enjoy this right
but not be the holder of it, is liable to perpetuate a traditional
distribution of the roles of men and women by keeping men in a role
subsidiary to that of women in relation to the exercise of their
parental duties”.
Note The
Court of Justice found that the measure at issue was not compatible
with the 1976 Directive on equal treatment for men and women as
regards access to employment. The Spanish Labour Code was amended
in February 2012 and employed parents of both sexes are now equally
entitled to this leave in Spain.
67. In Greece, on the other hand, paid parental leave can be granted
to male civil servants only if their wife does not work, whereas
female civil servants are eligible for it whatever their spouse’s
occupational status. In a judgment handed down in July 2015, the
Court of Justice of the European Union held that this provision
of the Greek Civil Service Code introduces direct discrimination
on grounds of sex, contrary to European regulations on equal treatment
between men and women in matters of employment.
68. In its
1274 (2002) on parental leave, the Assembly stated that the latter
was “closely linked to that of the role of men in family life, since
it permits a genuine partnership in the sharing of responsibilities between
women and men in both the private and the public sphere”. In 2013,
in its
Resolution 1939
(2013) on parental leave as a way to foster gender equality,
the Assembly called on member States to introduce parental leave
schemes which should “reserve a part of the leave for fathers, which
cannot be transferred to the other parent and is lost if it is not
used, unless there are exceptional circumstances, and provide a
system of bonuses for cases where both parents take parental leave,
as a way of creating an incentive for the take-up of parental leave
by fathers”.
69. Good practices can be seen in certain Council of Europe member
States which could be a source of inspiration for other countries.
70. In Iceland, Law No. 95/2000 on maternity/paternity leave and
parental leave was passed in 2000 and had two aims: firstly, to
ensure that the child received care from both parents; and, secondly,
to enable both men and women to strike a balance between their working
and family lives. This leave, which was initially for six months,
is now for nine months and is shared between both parents: three
months for the mother, three months for the father and an additional
three months to be shared between both parents. It is interesting
to note that the three months granted to each parent are not transferable.
In addition, salaries are maintained at a level of 80%.
71. According to a study published in 2013, this law has helped
bring about a more balanced sharing of parental responsibilities
within families and greater involvement of fathers in the care of
their children.
Note Approximately 90% of
Icelandic fathers take their non-transferable three months’ parental
leave and there has been a steady increase in the number of fathers
who use the part of the leave that is shared between both parents.
However, it would appear that fathers who do not live with the mother
of their child make little use of their parental leave.
72. The impact on the child of greater paternal involvement is
deemed positive on a number of counts.
Note In particular, it has been observed that
when parents do not conform to the stereotypical male and female
roles, children are less likely to have gender-stereotyped attitudes.
In addition, the presence of both parents stimulates the cognitive
development of the child who interacts with two individuals rather
than just one. It is also claimed that it is beneficial to the relationship
between the parents and reduces conflict, with each parent being
able to develop both their relationship with the child and their
professional life. In this way, equality and the interest of the
child can go hand in hand. Finally, it was recently noted that fathers
who took paternity leave following their child’s birth were more
involved in child-rearing that those who, for example, only attended antenatal
classes or were present during birth.
73. Progress can be seen in many Council of Europe member States
that have adopted rules on parental leave for both parents. In Poland,
for example, the Labour Code was amended in 2013 introducing new parental
leave schemes. It provides that parental leave of 26 weeks, granted
in addition to maternity and paternity leave, can be taken either
by the mother or the father. However, there is no provision for
a non-transferable portion to be reserved for the father. Yet we
have seen the incentive effect of such measures in Iceland and the
Nordic countries. In the United Kingdom, however, parental leave
of 18 weeks may be taken, but it is not transferable. The percentage
of fathers taking up this entitlement to parental leave is very
low (estimated at between 2% and 7%), chiefly because it is not
paid leave.
4.2 The
specific case of children born to unmarried couples
74. Several member States stipulate
in their legislation, or did so in the past, that in the event of
the separation of an unmarried couple, parental authority shall
be automatically vested in the mother. This remains the case in
Greece and Luxembourg.
75. That was also the case in Germany up to 2013. Before that,
Article 1672a§2 of the German Civil Code provided that joint parental
authority over a child born out of wedlock could be obtained only
by marriage, joint declaration or court order. Otherwise, sole parental
authority was assigned to the mother. The German authorities justified
this provision on the ground that the sharing of parental responsibility
against the mother’s wishes would be contrary to the child’s best
interests. In
Zaunegger v. Germany,
a father who had been refused joint exercise of parental authority
on the basis of Article 1672a§2 of the Civil Code because of the
mother’s objection, complained before the European Court of Human
Rights of the discriminatory nature of German legislation vis-à-vis
unmarried fathers. The Court agreed with him and found a violation
of Article 8 (right to respect for family life) and Article 14 (prohibition
of discrimination) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
76. Following this judgment, the Federal Constitutional Court
ruled in July 2010 that this provision in the German Civil Code
was unconstitutional, firstly because it deprived the father in
principle of his right of custody if the child’s mother objected,
and secondly because the father could not obtain any judicial review
of the custody ruling. In this decision, the German Constitutional
Court also instructed the family courts, pending an amendment to
the Civil Code, to grant, on the request of one parent, custody
of the child to both parents, or indeed to the father, provided
that this was compatible with the interests of the child. The German
Civil Code was finally amended to this effect in May 2013. I welcome
this decision and call on the other member States concerned, including
my own country Luxembourg, to take steps to follow suit.
77. In Luxembourg, in the case of children born out of wedlock,
Article 380 of the Civil Code stipulates that even if the unmarried
father and mother have both acknowledged the child, parental authority
is exercised by the mother. It can, however, be exercised jointly
by both parents if they make a joint declaration to this effect before
the guardianship judge. In a judgment handed down on 26 March 1999,
the Constitutional Court declared this provision to be contrary
to Article 11 of the Constitution inasmuch as it assigns parental
authority exclusively to the mother, even where the child has been
acknowledged by both parents. In a judgment delivered on 7 June
2013, the Constitutional Court reiterated its view and ruled that
Article 380 of the Civil Code had not been brought into line with
the Constitution.
78. A bill on parental responsibility was drafted by the Luxembourg
Government and laid before the Chamber of Deputies in April 2008.
This bill notes developments in other countries of Europe and standards formulated
at international level and seeks to introduce a system of shared
parenting which places parental responsibility jointly on the father
and the mother, regardless of whether they are married and, where
such is the case, after the couple have separated. The legislative
procedure is still ongoing.
5 Conclusions
79. Despite the positive developments
observed in the field of shared parental responsibility, questions concerning
child residence and access rights can prove particularly sensitive
when parents separate. In this area, the maintenance of relations
between children and their father can be problematic, as precedence
is often given to the mother. I would, however, point out that respect
for family life is one of the rights enshrined in the European Convention
on Human Rights and that for a parent and child, the ability to
be together is an essential part of family life.
80. I am convinced that fathers are important attachment figures
for children. Like mothers, they are “active agents in the construction
of boys’ and girls’ gender identity”.
Note Shared residence
should become the rule for parental arrangements for children of
all ages, including the very young. Underpinning it, however, must
be the child’s right to see both parents and the ability to adapt
the arrangement to individual circumstances, with care being taken
to ensure that shared residence does not turn into a parental entitlement.
81. As I have pointed out, shared residence is beneficial for
children of all ages, regardless of the financial situation of their
parents. Shared residence has fewer positive effects if there are
frequent disputes between parents, or if the father–children or
mother–children relationship is poor. Shared residence would certainly
not be appropriate in family situations where there is sexual abuse,
violence, drug addiction, alcoholism or mental illness. However,
it is important to bear in mind that only a very small percentage
of divorced or separated couples fall into this category. Accordingly,
shared residence is an approach that ought to be extensively promoted
in our member States, although it must be used discerningly and
always bearing in mind the interests of the child.
82. Separations and issues relating to children’s living arrangements
after a separation are very often painful, for the parents and children
alike. Parents are responsible for their children, however, and
in my view, they should be able to continue performing their parental
role, in the interest of their children, even if they themselves
are no longer together. Mediation is a way of restoring dialogue
and taking the heat out of relationships. Mediation has had a very
positive impact in those places where it has been tried and all
the member States should provide for the possibility of mediation
in their legal systems.
83. Lastly, I should like to conclude by pointing out that while
parents certainly have rights, first and foremost they have duties
and responsibilities towards their children. Fathers must play a
full role vis-à-vis their children, from the time they are born,
seeing to their upbringing and contributing to their maintenance.
States must take all necessary steps to stop the perpetuation of
stereotypical male and female roles in the private and family sphere
and acknowledge more widely the role of fathers in bringing up their
children, whether by granting paid parental leave or by implementing
or, where appropriate, introducing shared residence. I am convinced
that changes to the relevant laws and administrative practices are
needed in order for attitudes to change too.