Abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights
Recommendation 2081
Parliamentary Assembly
debate on 1 October 2015 (34th Sitting) (see Doc. 13863, report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human
Rights, rapporteur: Mr Pedro Agramunt). Text
adopted by the Assembly on 1 October 2015 (34th Sitting).
1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers
to its Resolution 2077
(2015) on the abuse of pretrial detention in States Parties
to the European Convention on Human Rights and to Committee of Ministers
Recommendation Rec(2006)13 on the use of remand in custody, the
conditions in which it takes place and the provision of safeguards
against abuse.
2. Drawing the attention of the Committee of Ministers to the
continuing shortcomings, including over-representation of foreign
nationals in pretrial detention, which have been documented in recent
research carried out on behalf of the European Union, and to the
examples of abuses of pretrial detention in a number of States Parties
to the European Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5) referred
to in Resolution 2077 (2015),
the Assembly calls on the Committee of Ministers to:
2.1 consider ways and means of reducing
recourse to pretrial detention in general and its abuse for specific
purposes such as the pursuit of political or corruption-related
objectives, in particular in light of recent developments;
2.2 encourage relevant bodies of the Council of Europe to
intensify their co-operation with their European Union counterparts
in order to ensure that any action to tackle pretrial detention
issues is taken in a co-ordinated way, on the basis of the standards
laid down by the European Convention on Human Rights as interpreted
by the European Court of Human Rights.