Impact of labour migration on “left-behind” children
Recommendation 2196
- Author(s):
- Parliamentary Assembly
- Origin
- Text
adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of
the Assembly, on 19 March 2021 (see Doc. 15173, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and
Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Viorel Riceard Badea; and Doc. 15183, opinion of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and
Displaced Persons, rapporteur: Mr Oleksii Goncharenko).
1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers
to its
Resolution 2366
(2021) on the impact of labour migration on “left-behind”
children and its
2310 (2019) on labour migration from eastern Europe and
its impact on socio-demographic processes in these countries, and
notes that the Council of Europe has a broad range of legal instruments
that can help its member States to improve the situation of children
who are left behind when their parents migrate, including the European
Social Charter (revised) (ETS No. 163), the Council of Europe Convention
on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual
Abuse (CETS No. 201, “Lanzarote Convention”), the Council of Europe
Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and
Domestic Violence (CETS No. 210, “Istanbul Convention”) and the
Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human
Beings (CETS No. 197). However, the Assembly is concerned that the
impact of labour migration is often underestimated, and that left-behind
children are a particularly vulnerable group that is largely invisible
and not given sufficient attention.
2. The Assembly calls on the Committee of Ministers to encourage
the relevant bodies of the Council of Europe, including the Commissioner
for Human Rights, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on
Migration and Refugees, the European Committee of Social Rights,
the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child, the Committee
of the Parties to the Istanbul Convention and the Group of Experts
on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) to systematically
consider the issue of left-behind children in their work.
3. The Assembly recalls its
Recommendation 2108 (2017) on a
comprehensive humanitarian and political response to the migration
and refugee crisis and the continuing flows into Europe and its
Recommendation 2109 (2017) on
migration as an opportunity for European development, and reiterates
its calls for the possible creation of bodies or committees to support
co-operation among the member States in the area of migration. The
Assembly is convinced that such bodies would provide a useful “common
platform for exchange, experience sharing and policy making among
Council of Europe member States, as well as a solid basis for directing
the Organisation’s action” (
2108 (2017)).
4. The Assembly notes that the European Convention on the Legal
Status of Migrant Workers (ETS No. 93), which entered into force
in 1983, has only been ratified by 11 Council of Europe member States. It
invites the Committee of Ministers to examine the barriers to the
ratification of this convention, consider reviewing this legal instrument
in view of the latest developments in the area of labour migration
and examine the modalities for effectively monitoring its implementation.