House of Parliament
GR - 10021 - Athens
Working language: English
07/10/2014 | Doc. 13627 | Motion for a resolution The need to stop the escalation in the persecution of Christian communities in the Middle East 02/10/2014 | Doc. 13624 | Written declaration Support human rights, democracy and gender equality in Iran in order to overcome extremism, evict Iran's theocracy from meddling in Iraq, Syria and the region 15/07/2014 | Doc. 13474 | Written declaration Protest against the death penalty for activists of the Muslim Brotherhood 02/07/2014 | Doc. 13568 | Motion for a resolution Addressing tax avoidance by net firms 02/07/2014 | Doc. 13569 | Motion for a resolution Drafting social indicators and issuing an annual report on social rights
30/09/2014 | Doc. 13596, vote on the draft text for resolution Women’s rights and prospects for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation 30/09/2014 | Doc. 13596, vote on the draft text for recommendation Women’s rights and prospects for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation 25/06/2014 | Doc. 13527, vote on the draft text for resolution Towards a better European democracy: facing the challenges of a federal Europe 10/04/2014 | Doc. 13483, vote on the draft text for resolution Reconsideration on substantive grounds of the previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation 09/04/2014 | Doc. 13451, vote on the draft text for resolution Improving user protection and security in cyberspace