Member of the House of Lords
House of Lords
GB - SW1A 0PW - London
United Kingdom
Working language: English
23/10/2008 | Doc. 11761 | Report Crafts and cultural heritage conservation skills 24/10/2005 | Doc. 10731 | Report The private management of cultural property 13/11/2003 | Doc. 9913 Rev. | Report Tax incentives for cultural heritage conservation 16/12/2002 | Doc. 9638 | Report Progress on the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe: enhancing security and political stability through economic co-operation 25/09/2002 | Doc. 9575 | Committee Opinion Sexual exploitation of children: zero tolerance
10/10/2008 | Doc. 11744 | Motion for a resolution Clarification on the rules of motions 24/06/2008 | Doc. 11659 | Motion for a resolution Threat to Democracy and Human Rights in Zimbabwe 18/06/2008 | Doc. 11644 | Motion for a resolution Proposed forty-two days’ pre-charge detention in the United Kingdom 02/05/2008 | Doc. 11606 | Motion for a resolution On the compliance of the International Court of Justice decision in the Avena case 23/04/2008 | Doc. 11588 | Motion for a resolution External interference in internal political processes
02/10/2008 | Doc. 11724, vote on the draft text for opinion The consequences of the war between Georgia and Russia 02/10/2008 | Doc. 11725, vote on the draft text for resolution Proposed 42-day pre-charge detention in the United Kingdom 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11654, vote on the draft text for resolution General policy debate on the situation in China 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11608, vote on the draft text for resolution Activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11608, vote on the draft text for recommendation Activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)