Parti populaire
Congreso de los Diputados
ES - 28071 - Madrid
Working language: French
20/01/2005 | Doc. 10406 | Committee Opinion Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 25/06/2001 | Doc. 9137 | Committee Opinion Operation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons – critical analysis and recommendations
14/10/2011 | Doc. 12671 | Written declaration Urgent need to address integrity challenges to sport 24/08/2011 | Doc. 12696 | Motion for a resolution The European Convention on Nationality: application and solution proposals 30/06/2011 | Doc. 12675 | Written question Freedom of conscience for healthcare professionals in Spain 30/06/2011 | Doc. 12681 | Motion for a resolution The rise of populist movements in Europe and its dangers for democracy 29/06/2011 | Doc. 12673 | Motion for a resolution More transparency and accountability at FIFA
08/10/2010 | Doc. 12391, vote on the draft text for resolution National procedures for the selection of candidates for the European Court of Human Rights 08/10/2010 | Doc. 12350, vote on the draft text for resolution Gender-related claims for asylum 08/10/2010 | Doc. 12350, vote on the draft text for recommendation Gender-related claims for asylum 07/10/2010 | Doc. 12262, vote on the draft text for recommendation Guaranteeing the right to education for children with illnesses or disabilities 07/10/2010 | Doc. 12345, vote on the draft text for resolution Children without parental care: urgent need for action