Member of the Folketing
Danish People's Party
DK - 1240 - Copenhagen
Working language: English
Declarations of interests:
02/11/2020 | Doc. 15175 | Motion for a resolution Which measures can States legally take under the European Convention on Human Rights in order to crack down on Islamic extremism? 18/06/2008 | Doc. 11644 | Motion for a resolution Proposed forty-two days’ pre-charge detention in the United Kingdom 23/04/2008 | Doc. 11588 | Motion for a resolution External interference in internal political processes 31/01/2008 | Doc. 11518 | Motion for a resolution Drawing up a report on allegations made about the death of Zurab Zhvania
03/10/2019 | Doc. 14971, vote on the draft text for resolution Saving lives in the Mediterranean Sea: the need for an urgent response 01/10/2019 | Doc. 14958, vote on the draft text for resolution Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe 01/10/2019 | Doc. 14958, vote on the draft text for recommendation Improving the protection of whistle-blowers all over Europe 25/06/2008 | Doc. 11623, vote on the draft text for resolution The state of democracy in Europe – Specific challenges facing European democracies: the case of diversity and migration 25/06/2008 | Doc. 11623, vote on the draft text for recommendation The state of democracy in Europe – Specific challenges facing European democracies: the case of diversity and migration