Parti Social Démocrate
Senatul României
RO - 050711 - Bucarest
Working language: French
19/09/2008 | Doc. 11715 | Motion for a recommendation Extending the “most favoured European woman clause” to all Council of Europe member states 19/09/2008 | Doc. 11714 | Motion for a resolution Action against sexist representations in the media 19/09/2008 | Doc. 11713 | Motion for a recommendation Decent pensions for women 26/05/2008 | Doc. 11613 | Motion for a recommendation Migrant women: at particular risk of domestic violence 13/05/2008 | Doc. 11611 | Motion for a recommendation The wage gap between women and men
01/10/2008 | Doc. 11726, vote on the draft text for resolution Reconsideration of previously ratified credentials of the Russian delegation on substantive grounds 01/10/2008 | Doc. 11528, vote on the draft text for resolution The situation of national minorities in Vojvodina and of the Romanian ethnic minority in Serbia 01/10/2008 | Doc. 11528, vote on the draft text for recommendation The situation of national minorities in Vojvodina and of the Romanian ethnic minority in Serbia 24/06/2008 | Doc. 11627, vote on the draft text for resolution The functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan 17/04/2008 | Doc. 11579, vote on the draft text for resolution The functionning of democratic institutions in Armenia