The Left-Green Movement
Althingi - Parliament of Iceland
IS - 150 - Reykjavik
Working language: English
23/10/2008 | Doc. 11760 | Report Involving men in achieving gender equality
25/06/2008 | Doc. 11664 | Motion for a resolution Requiring a minimum of 30% of each sex on Assembly’s national delegations 17/06/2008 | Doc. 11633 | Motion for a recommendation Cases of sexual violence against women in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo 25/04/2008 | Doc. 11603 | Motion for a resolution On non-recognition by Romania of the Moldovans’ right to national identity 23/01/2008 | Doc. 11508 | Written declaration Case of Varnava and others v/Turkey (ECHR)
27/06/2008 | Doc. 11538, vote on the draft text for resolution Preventing the first form of violence against children: abandonment at birth 27/06/2008 | Doc. 11629, vote on the draft text for resolution Gökçeada (Imbros) and Bozcaada (Tenedos): preserving the bicultural character of the two Turkish islands as a model for co-operation between Turkey and Greece in the interest of the people concerned 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11654, vote on the draft text for resolution General policy debate on the situation in China 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11660, vote on the draft text for resolution The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey: recent developments 26/06/2008 | Doc. 11608, vote on the draft text for resolution Activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)