Chambre des représentants
BE - 1008 - Brussels
Working language: French
15/05/2009 | Doc. 11916 | Report Sexual violence against women in armed conflict
04/05/2009 | Doc. 11891 | Motion for a recommendation The impact of the economic and financial crisis on women 19/03/2009 | Doc. 11849 | Motion for a resolution Situation in Venezuela 09/02/2009 | Doc. 11836 | Motion for a resolution Gender budgeting as a tool for safeguarding women’s health 05/02/2009 | Doc. 11835 | Motion for a resolution Women’s right to hold an individual passport 08/12/2008 | Doc. 11773 | Motion for a resolution The real situation of rural women in Europe
29/01/2009 | Doc. 11787, vote on the draft text for recommendation Private military and security firms and the erosion of the state monopoly on the use of force 24/06/2008 | Doc. 11612, vote on the draft text for resolution Empowering women in a modern, multicultural society 24/06/2008 | Doc. 11612, vote on the draft text for recommendation Empowering women in a modern, multicultural society