Social Democratic Alliance
Althingi - Parliament of Iceland
IS - 150 - Reykjavik
Working language: English
01/02/2013 | Doc. 13129 | Motion for a resolution Functioning of democratic institutions in "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" 30/01/2013 | Doc. 13119 | Motion for a resolution Youth unemployment as a threat to democracy and human rights in Europe 22/01/2013 | Doc. 13103 | Motion for a resolution Measures to combat the rising popularity of right-wing extremism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in the Council of Europe’s member States 19/10/2012 | Doc. 12975 | Written declaration Call for the release of the Polish journalist, Mr Andrzej Poczobut, from a Belarusian prison 10/07/2012 | Doc. 12910 | Written declaration Exploitation of homophobia for political ends by Moldova's Communist Party
25/01/2013 | Doc. 13080, vote on the draft text for resolution Gender equality, reconciliation of personal and working life and shared responsibility 25/01/2013 | Doc. 13086, vote on the draft text for resolution Trafficking of migrant workers for forced labour 25/01/2013 | Doc. 13086, vote on the draft text for recommendation Trafficking of migrant workers for forced labour 24/01/2013 | Doc. 13106, vote on the draft text for resolution Migration and asylum: mounting tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean 24/01/2013 | Doc. 13106, vote on the draft text for recommendation Migration and asylum: mounting tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean