Forza Italia Berlusconi Presidente-UDC
Senato della Repubblica
IT - 00186 - Roma
Working language: English
30/06/2017 | Doc. 14380 | Motion for a resolution Defining guidelines for international NGOs 29/06/2017 | Doc. 14372 | Written declaration Protection of the reputation of the Macedonian diplomacy 28/06/2017 | Doc. 14368 | Motion for a recommendation Protecting human rights during transfers of prisoners 02/05/2017 | Doc. 14310 | Motion for a resolution Development aid: a tool for preventing migration crises 13/10/2016 | Doc. 14177 | Motion for a resolution Moratorium on arms sales in the Middle East
02/10/2019 | Doc. 14953, vote on the draft text for resolution Ombudsman institutions in Europe - the need for a set of common standards 02/10/2019 | Doc. 14953, vote on the draft text for recommendation Ombudsman institutions in Europe - the need for a set of common standards 27/06/2017 | Doc. 14338, vote on the draft text for resolution Recognition and implementation of the principle of accountability in the Parliamentary Assembly 27/04/2017 | Doc. 14298, vote on the draft text for resolution Alarming developments in Hungary: draft NGO law restricting civil society and possible closure of the European Central University 25/01/2017 | Doc. 14217, vote on the draft text for recommendation Ending cyberdiscrimination and online hate