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Ms Boriana ÅBERG (Sweden, EPP/CD)


In the political groups

  • Vice-Chairperson: Group of the European People's Party since 15/06/2021
  • Member: Group of the European People's Party from 18/11/2014 to 14/06/2021

In the Assembly

  • since 24/04/2017 Representative - Sweden
  • from 18/11/2014 to 23/04/2017 Substitute - Sweden

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Member: Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) (since 31/01/2020)
  • Chairperson of national delegation: Standing Committee (from 21/01/2019 to 24/11/2022)
  • Vice-President of the Assembly: Bureau of the Assembly (from 21/01/2019 to 26/01/2020)
  • Vice-President of the Assembly: Standing Committee (from 21/01/2019 to 26/01/2020)
  • Full Member: Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy (since 22/01/2018)
  • Full Member: Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination (from 26/04/2017 to 08/10/2017)
  • Full Member: Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons (from 24/04/2017 to 21/01/2018)
  • Full Member: Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination (from 18/11/2014 to 23/04/2017)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on the Middle East and the Arab World (from 04/03/2022 to 22/01/2023)
  • Member (Co-rapporteur on Armenia): Sub-Committee on Conflicts concerning Council of Europe Member States (from 10/09/2020 to 26/01/2024)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on External Relations (from 11/10/2018 to 28/01/2025)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Crime Problems and the Fight against Terrorism (from 25/01/2018 to 21/01/2019)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Integration (from 27/04/2017 to 21/01/2018)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Public Health and Sustainable Development (from 24/01/2017 to 23/04/2017)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on the Rights of Minorities (from 28/01/2016 to 23/04/2017)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on the Rights of Minorities (from 25/01/2016 to 27/01/2016)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Environment and Energy (from 28/01/2015 to 25/01/2017)
  • Alternate of Ms Victoria TIBLOM (Full Member): Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (since 30/09/2024)
  • Alternate of Ms Beatrice TIMGREN (Full Member): Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (from 23/01/2023 to 29/09/2024)
  • Alternate of Mr Markus WIECHEL (Full Member): Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (from 18/04/2016 to 23/04/2017)
  • Alternate of Ms Azadeh ROJHAN (Full Member): Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (from 21/01/2019 to 25/01/2021)
  • Alternate of Ms Kerstin LUNDGREN (Full Member): Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (from 22/01/2018 to 20/01/2019)
  • Alternate of Ms Julia KRONLID (Full Member): Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (from 18/11/2014 to 17/04/2016)
  • Alternate of Mr Johan NISSINEN (Full Member): Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media (from 24/04/2017 to 21/01/2018)
  • Alternate of Mr Jonas GUNNARSSON (Full Member): Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination (from 24/04/2017 to 25/04/2017)
  • Alternate of Mr Thomas HAMMARBERG (Full Member): Sub-Committee on the Middle East and the Arab World (from 24/01/2019 to 03/03/2022)
  • Alternate of Mr Jonas GUNNARSSON (Full Member): Sub-Committee on External Relations (from 25/01/2018 to 10/10/2018)
  • Alternate of Ms Lotta JOHNSSON FORNARVE (Full Member): Sub-Committee on the Rights of Minorities (from 27/01/2015 to 24/01/2016)
  • Alternate of Ms Kerstin LUNDGREN (Full Member): Sub-Committee on the Middle East and the Arab World (from 25/01/2018 to 20/01/2019)


Last speeches

03/10/2024 | 11:29:14 Mister President, dear colleagues, Holodomor – from the Ukrainian words for famine and death - is the name of the catastrophic famine in Ukraine from 1932 to 1933. A tragedy that has not received the recognition it deserves. A terrible famine disaster where 20 people died every minute, 1 200 lives were extinguished every hour, 28 000 died every day, totalling 10 million people. Holodomor is the Holocaust of famine, orchestrated by the barbaric Soviet communist regime. In true communist... 26/06/2024 | 19:51:52 Thank you, Madam President. And thank you, dear colleagues, for participating in this important debate. Here in the Council of Europe we work for promoting democracy, rule of law, and human rights, and Armenia is a bright example of how a country, a former Soviet country, can transform to a democracy. And it's quite difficult in the surroundings of Armenia, only with autocracies: Russia, and Iran, and Türkiye, and Azerbaijan. Despite these very very difficult conditions, Armenia has reached a... 26/06/2024 | 19:16:45 Thank you, Madam President. Dear colleagues, Presenting this report on Armenia is a special moment for Mr Kimmo KILJUNEN and me. We were both appointed in 2021 and since then, we have shared the ups and downs of the Armenian people. In 2022, we praised the progress of democratic developments and the fact that Armenia had successfully emerged from the political crisis triggered by the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. However, since then, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been revived. In September... 16/04/2024 | 19:59:35 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2)   Mr President, dear colleagues, I’d like to thank the rapporteur Mr Basha for the excellent work. Through its terrible war crimes, Russia has inflicted immense damage on Ukraine, damage that Moscow must pay for. Not when the war ends, but immediately. As long as the war continues as intensively as today, Ukraine needs approximately 100 billion dollars a year in foreign aid. The EU has concluded that only the interest on the Russian money in... 23/01/2024 | 20:18:50 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Mr President, dear colleagues, I’d like to thank Mr Fassino for his balanced rapport. To those who accuse Israel of a lack of proportionality, I would like to remind that Hamas's main goal is that Israel must be eradicated as a state. In Hamas's doctrine, the Muqawwama doctrine, it is stated that the Jews can never exist as a people with their own country. After the barbaric attack on October 7, one of the Hamas leaders, Razi Hamed, said that...
