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Mr Oleh LIASHKO (Ukraine, EC)

Photo member

Oleh Liashko Radical Party

Interparliamentary Relations Directorate
UA - 01008 - Kyiv

Working language: English

Declarations of interests:
2019 , 2018


In the political groups

  • Member: European Conservatives Group from 03/07/2019 to 29/09/2019
  • Member: Members not belonging to a Political Group from 24/04/2017 to 02/07/2019

In the Assembly

  • from 24/04/2017 to 29/09/2019 Representative - Ukraine

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Alternate of Mr Georgii LOGVYNSKYI (Full Member): Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (from 24/04/2017 to 29/09/2019)


Last speeches

24/06/2019 | 18:59:29 Many Ukrainians are told that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is a temple of democracy. What are we seeing today? You refuse to consider the issue of those responsible of shooting down an aeroplane where 300 people died. The whole of this day is wasted in order to capitulate before Russia and open the door for its victorious return to the Council of Europe. The marking of the 70th anniversary is difficult to imagine under these conditions. Members of parliaments from... 10/04/2019 | 18:40:14 Dear colleagues, let me tell you that there is a political and economic crisis in this Organisation. Watching this debate, I am starting to understand why in Europe the 80th anniversary of the Munich agreement went quite unnoticed. Today we are doing what the leaders of Europe did all those years ago. Our German colleague was talking about openness and there was talk about the Red Army liberating the world from the Nazis. I remind my German colleague that 10 million Ukrainians died in the... 24/01/2019 | 11:11:23 I urge members of this Assembly to condemn the Russian Federation’s aggression in the Azov Sea, and its capture of the ships and 24 servicemen. Many of you here wish us to reach an agreement, but you can now see that half of Europe is burning under the influence of the Russian Federation. We can see this in Abkhazia, Ossetia, Transnistria, and Nagorno-Karabakh. The policy of appeasement never stops the aggressor – only strength can do that. Our unity is our strength. For 70 years, the Council...
