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Ms Jutta URPILAINEN (Finland, SOC)

Photo member

Member of Parliament
Social Democrats

FI - 00102 - Helsinki

Working language: English

Declarations of interests:
2019 , 2018


In the political groups

  • Member: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group from 25/06/2018 to 23/06/2019

In the Assembly

  • from 25/06/2018 to 23/06/2019 Substitute - Finland

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on the Middle East and the Arab World (from 11/09/2018 to 23/06/2019)
  • Alternate of Mr Tom PACKALÉN (Full Member): Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons (from 25/06/2018 to 23/06/2019)
  • Alternate of Ms Maria GUZENINA (Full Member): Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy (from 27/06/2018 to 23/06/2019)
  • Alternate of Ms Maria GUZENINA (Full Member): Sub-Committee on External Relations (from 11/10/2018 to 23/01/2019)
