04/10/2019 | 10:42:02 Thank you very much. Colleagues, friends, Our delegation would like of course to support this particular report and to express our greatest solidarity on this particular point. In our country and in the Soviet Union prior to us, the issue of the Holocaust has been dealt with with great seriousness and depth. We have suffered terribly from this. We suffered from the occupying forces, from Hitler overall. Let's not forget, of course, that in many of the former Republics of the Soviet Union for... 03/10/2019 | 20:16:27 Thank you. Madam President, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. Of course I have to begin by thanking Ms Maryvonne BLONDIN and Mr Egidijus VAREIKIS for their report. It's a very informative and professional paper. I myself was at the parliamentary elections in Moldova as an observer. I saw what happened with my own eyes. I saw exactly what... I was in a number of places, I was in Gagauzia, I was close to Dniester, I know exactly what happened. So I really would like to thank our Moldovan... 03/10/2019 | 16:41:24 Dear Colleagues, I'm the last to speak, and I would like to lead you to a number of specific points. I have a very clear understanding of the fact that Mr Martin POLIAČIK's report is based on inventions or deliberately trumped up information. I'd like to give you all the information about everything between July 6th and December 8th. I've never had such a request, even though this is an elementary feature of modern democracy. When Lord Donald ANDERSON kept talking about 13 people... Where did... 02/10/2019 | 19:05:28 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to remind you that the subject at hand today is the protection and support for the victims of terrorism. I won't talk today about the problems that exist on the basis of what the speakers have said before me. I would like to say that the Russian Federation probably has the biggest and saddest experience of fighting terrorism in the last 30 years. What Russia has experienced has not been felt by any other country here. We know better than anyone how to... 28/06/2019 | 10:46:52 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to express something about the point of view of the Russian Federation. I would like to underline that I have fought in my personal capacity, and in the various positions that I've had, and I've been fighting throughout my life against terrorists. In 2015 our country began the fight against terrorism in Syria. We Russians, know better than anybody else what terrorism means. What is taking place right now in Syria? Following a number of visits to that country...
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