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Mr Jeremy CORBYN (United Kingdom, SOC)

Photo member


House of Commons
GB - SW1A OAA - London
United Kingdom

Working language: English

Declarations of interests:
2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020


In the political groups

  • Member: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group since 26/06/2020

In the Assembly

  • since 26/06/2020 Substitute - United Kingdom

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings (since 21/03/2022)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings (from 03/07/2020 to 23/01/2022)
  • Alternate of Ms Kate OSAMOR (Full Member): Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons (since 26/06/2020)


Last speeches

04/10/2024 | 11:01:12 Thank you, Mister President, I too want to talk about the situation of security within the world. At the moment there are serious wars going on in Ukraine, where Russia wrongly invaded Ukraine, and the terrible war is going on and thousands of people are dying both in Ukraine and in Russia. There is the conflict going on of the continued bombardment of Gaza, now the invasion of Lebanon, and the dangers of a war with Iran. There is a massive war going on in Sudan, fuelled by the arms trade and... 04/10/2024 | 10:31:16 Thank you. Thank you, Mister President. And this is a very valuable and very timely debate, even if not particularly well-attended this morning. But I suppose that's the price of Friday morning. And I think we should thank the authors of this report. It's far-reaching, and it makes the point in the discussion that this is far more than just a technological advancement. But like Lord Leslie GRIFFITHS, I've grown up from a pre-internet age to now incredibly sophisticated technology. I am not... 03/10/2024 | 18:01:34 Thank you, Mister President. I compliment Ms GÖKA on her excellent speech that we've just heard, and I welcome this report that we're discussing today. It quite rightly opens with the paradox. The paradox that, in a continent of relative plenty, there are people living in desperate poverty and relying on food banks in order just to survive, week in, week out. In my own constituency of Islington North in London, 15 years ago, food banks were unheard of. We now have, I think, 15 food banks... 18/04/2024 | 12:02:15 Thank you. This is a obviously a crucial debate, and I welcome the reports that have been put before us, and I welcome the fact that we are having the debate at all. The idea that it should be rejected, as some of the conservative groups seem to be saying, on the basis it's not applicable to our constitution, is both wrong, in my view, in what we're here for, but also: what answer is that to people around the world who are suffering from rising sea levels, terrible weather conditions and... 17/04/2024 | 16:57:30 Thank you, Mr President. I thank those that have drafted the very important reports that we've had before us today as we mourn the deaths that have happened in Russia and we mourn those that have been placed in prison and the very powerful message that we heard this afternoon from Ms Yevgenia KARA-MURZA. This is a poignant debate because when a war takes place, as there is a terrible war going on at the moment in Ukraine, three things happen. Truth is hidden, thousands lose their lives, and...
