Socialist Left Party
NO - 0026 - Oslo 1
Working language: English
25/06/2024 | 19:02:05 Yeah, thank you, President, and thank you, rapporteur, for your important work. This issue sits at the heart of our shared humanity and our collective future ensuring human rights-compliant asylum procedures. As we navigate through an era marked by unprecedented global challenges, the treatment of those seeking refuge from war, persecution and environmental disaster is a profound test of our values and our commitment to justice. The Report sheds light on a troubling trend. Across Europe, the... 25/06/2024 | 16:45:51 Thank you, chair. Thank you to the rapporteur for her important work. Brave women all over Europe are spearheading the fight for equality, justice and human dignity. The work is essential not just for women, but for the health and progress of our societies. Women human rights defenders face numerous challenges, often at great personal risk. In Andorra, Vanessa Mendoza Cortés, president of Stop Violències, faced years of harassment and threats for advocating the decriminalisation of abortion... 16/04/2024 | 15:49:17 Thank you, President, The imperialistic invasion of Ukraine from the far-right ultra-nationalist Russian government is an atrocity and violation of international law. Every day, Ukrainians die defending their freedom. Ukrainians are victims of war crimes every minute, every hour, every day. This war can end immediately, if Putin would want it to end. But this doesn't happen, because the Russian regime shows extraordinary contempt for all life; contempt for Ukrainian lives, contempt for... 11/10/2023 | 20:03:58 (Undelivered speech, Rules of Procedure Art. 31.2) Thank you president If there is one group society all too often overlooks, it is people with disabilities. But it is not people who are disabled, it is society that is unable. Unable to make arrangements so that all people, regardless of their level of functioning or disability, can participate equally. It is us, as a society that is failing. And it is us, as a society that loses when not everyone can participate and develop. If you have a... 10/10/2023 | 17:38:51 Thank you, President. Us gathering in this Assembly is the result of a continent that learns from its mistakes. The painful memory of the Second World War looms over Europe's history, a war of extermination in which Jews, Roma, queers, and other minorities were targeted for annihilation. Nazism, fascism and the extreme right is the most destructive force known to mankind. We have come a long way from the horrors of the Second World War. Our continent, once shattered by hatred, vowed to...
01/02/2024 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran 12/10/2023 | Doc. 15849 | Written declaration Human rights situation in Iran 19/09/2023 | Doc. 15823 | Motion for a resolution Sustainable European guidelines to counter social dumping and strengthen collective bargaining mechanisms 26/06/2023 | Doc. 15816 | Motion for a resolution Self-determination and territorial integrity in the 21st century 21/06/2023 | Doc. 15807 | Motion for a resolution Shaping the Parliamentary Assembly’s relations with the United Nations Human Rights Council
25/06/2024 | Doc. 15993, vote on the draft text for resolution Protecting women human rights defenders in Europe 25/06/2024 | Doc. 15997, vote on the draft text for resolution Ensuring human rights-compliant asylum procedures 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15966, vote on the draft text for resolution Alexei Navalny's death and the need to counter Vladimir Putin's totalitarian regime and its war on democracy 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15967, vote on the draft text for resolution The arbitrary detention of Vladimir Kara-Murza and the systematic persecution of anti-war protesters in the Russian Federation and Belarus 17/04/2024 | Doc. 15939, vote on the draft text for resolution Sanctions against persons on the "Kara-Murza list"