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Vote on Recommendation - Doc. 14586

Assembly's voting results

International obligations of Council of Europe member States: to protect life at sea

72 in favor, 9 against, 4 abstentions

All participants in the vote

Voting choice Member Country Political group
In favour Ms Boriana ÅBERG Sweden EPP/CD
In favour Ms Thórhildur Sunna ÆVARSDÓTTIR Iceland SOC
In favour Mr Werner AMON Austria EPP/CD
Against Mr Francesco Maria AMORUSO Italy FDG
In favour Ms Athanasia ANAGNOSTOPOULOU Greece UEL
In favour Ms Hannah BARDELL United Kingdom NR
In favour Ms Petra BAYR Austria SOC
In favour Mr Piet De BRUYN Belgium NR
In favour Ms Rósa Björk BRYNJÓLFSDÓTTIR Iceland UEL
In favour Mr Bernard CAZEAU France NR
In favour Ms Anastasia CHRISTODOULOPOULOU Greece UEL
In favour Ms Lise CHRISTOFFERSEN Norway SOC
In favour Mr Vernon COAKER United Kingdom SOC
In favour Mr Raphaël COMTE Switzerland ALDE
In favour Ms Yolaine de COURSON France NR
Against Mr Zsolt CSENGER-ZALÁN Hungary EPP/CD
Against Ms Katalin CSÖBÖR Hungary EPP/CD
Against Ms Cristina DE PIETRO Italy FDG
In favour Ms Jennifer DE TEMMERMAN France NR
Against Mr Sergio DIVINA Italy FDG
In favour Ms Daphné DUMERY Belgium NR
In favour Ms Susanne EBERLE-STRUB Liechtenstein ALDE
Abstention Mr Franz Leonhard ESSL Austria EPP/CD
In favour Mr Nigel EVANS United Kingdom EC
In favour Mr Bernard FOURNIER France EPP/CD
In favour Ms Béatrice FRESKO-ROLFO Monaco ALDE
In favour Mr André GATTOLIN France NR
In favour Mr Paul GAVAN Ireland UEL
In favour Mr Hannes GERMANN Switzerland ALDE
In favour Mr Valeriu GHILETCHI Republic of Moldova EPP/CD
In favour Ms Miren GORROTXATEGI Spain UEL
In favour Mr Jean-Pierre GRIN Switzerland ALDE
In favour Mr Jonas GUNNARSSON Sweden SOC
In favour Mr Domagoj HAJDUKOVIĆ Croatia SOC
In favour Ms Gabriela HEINRICH Germany SOC
In favour Ms Eva-Lena JANSSON Sweden SOC
In favour Ms Susan Elan JONES United Kingdom SOC
Against Ms Hajnalka JUHÁSZ Hungary EPP/CD
In favour Ms Anne KALMARI Finland ALDE
In favour Mr Mudassar KAPUR Norway EPP/CD
In favour Ms Ioanneta KAVVADIA Greece UEL
Against Mr Norbert KLEINWÄCHTER Germany NR
In favour Mr František KOPŘIVA Czechia ALDE
In favour Ms Elvira KOVÁCS Serbia EPP/CD
In favour Mr Florian KRONBICHLER Italy SOC
In favour Ms Stella KYRIAKIDES Cyprus EPP/CD
Abstention Mr Jaroslav KYTÝR Czechia ALDE
In favour Ms Alexandra LOUIS France NR
In favour Mr Carlo LUCHERINI Italy SOC
Abstention Ms Kerstin LUNDGREN Sweden ALDE
In favour Ms Shabana MAHMOOD United Kingdom SOC
In favour Mr Jacques MAIRE France NR
In favour Mr Duarte MARQUES Portugal EPP/CD
In favour Mr Conor MCGINN United Kingdom SOC
In favour Ms Emilie Enger MEHL Norway ALDE
In favour Mr Killion MUNYAMA Poland EPP/CD
In favour Mr Ian MURRAY United Kingdom SOC
In favour Mr Víctor NAUDI ZAMORA Andorra SOC
Abstention Mr Miroslav NENUTIL Czechia SOC
In favour Mr Michele NICOLETTI Italy SOC
Against Mr Johan NISSINEN Sweden NR
In favour Ms Carina OHLSSON Sweden SOC
In favour Ms Ria OOMEN-RUIJTEN Netherlands EPP/CD
In favour Mr Henk OVERBEEK Netherlands UEL
In favour Ms Jaana Maarit PELKONEN Finland EPP/CD
In favour Mr Georgios PSYCHOGIOS Greece UEL
In favour Ms Patrícia RIBERAYGUA Andorra ALDE
In favour Mr Andrea RIGONI Italy ALDE
In favour Ms Ulla SANDBÆK Denmark UEL
In favour Mr Stefan SCHENNACH Austria SOC
In favour Ms Elisabeth SCHNEIDER-SCHNEITER Switzerland EPP/CD
In favour Mr Frank SCHWABE Germany SOC
In favour Mr Vetle Wang SOLEIM Norway EPP/CD
Against Mr David STELLINI Malta EPP/CD
In favour Ms Tineke STRIK Netherlands SOC
In favour Ms Petra De SUTTER Belgium SOC
In favour Mr Damien THIÉRY Belgium ALDE
In favour Mr Manuel TORNARE Switzerland SOC
In favour Ms Nicole TRISSE France NR
In favour Mr Mart van de VEN Netherlands ALDE
In favour Ms Ute VOGT Germany SOC
In favour Mr Christoph WENAWESER Liechtenstein ALDE
In favour Mr Martin WHITFIELD United Kingdom SOC
In favour Ms Serap YAŞAR Türkiye EC
In favour Mr Emanuelis ZINGERIS Lithuania EPP/CD