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3 representatives3 substitutes


Mr Temirlan MARISHOV Consultant of the International Cooperation and Protocol Department

Permanent secretariat Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.045 Tel: 5156

Mr Zafarov SARDORBEK International Cooperation and Protocol Department

Permanent secretariat Tel: +996 555 887 955 Email: [email protected]

Strasbourg sessions Office: 5.045 Tel: 5156

Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic

205 Chuy Prospect KG - 720053 Bishkek


The partner for democracy status was granted on 8 April 2014 by Resolution 1984 (2014) of the Parliamentary Assembly. Le statut de partenaire pour la démocratie a été octroyé le 8 avril 2014 par la Résolution 1984 (2014) de l'Assemblée parlementaire.