debate on 21 April 2015 (12th Sitting) (see Doc. 13734, report of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human
Rights, rapporteur: Mr Pieter Omtzigt; and Doc. 13748, opinion of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and
Media, rapporteur: Sir Roger Gale). Text
adopted by the Assembly on 21 April 2015 (12th Sitting).
1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers
to its Resolution 2045
(2015) on mass surveillance and invites the Committee
of Ministers to make use of the tools at its disposal to uphold
the fundamental right to privacy in all member and observer States
of the Council of Europe.
2. In particular, the Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers
to consider:
2.1 addressing a
recommendation to member States on ensuring the protection of privacy
in the digital age and Internet safety in the light of the threats
posed by the newly disclosed mass surveillance techniques (see Resolution 2045 (2015),
paragraphs 19.1 to 19.3);
2.2 further exploring Internet security issues related to
mass surveillance and intrusion practices, in particular with regard
to the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Internet users;
2.3 launching an initiative aimed at negotiating an “intelligence
codex” addressed to the intelligence services of all participating
States, which lays down rules governing co-operation in the fight
against terrorism and organised crime (see Resolution 2045 (2015), paragraph
2.4 strengthening co-operation with the competent bodies of
the European Union involved in negotiating trade and data protection
issues with the United States and other third countries, with a
view to bringing to bear the principles laid down in the European
Convention on Human Rights (ETS No. 5) in the interest of all member
States of the Council of Europe.