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Emine Nur GÜNAY AK Party Türkiye Members not belonging to a Political Group
Karin BROUWERS CD&V Belgium Group of the European People's Party
Sevinj FATALIYEVA New Azerbaijan Party Azerbaijan European Conservatives Group and Democratic Alliance
Thórhildur Sunna ÆVARSDÓTTIR Pirate Party Iceland Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Alberto RIBOLLA Lega Salvini Premier Italy European Conservatives Group and Democratic Alliance
Kakhaber KUTCHAVA Georgian Dream Georgia Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Ria OOMEN-RUIJTEN Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) Netherlands Group of the European People's Party
Lesia VASYLENKO Holos Ukraine Group of the European People's Party
Boriana ÅBERG Moderate Party Sweden Group of the European People's Party
Reinhold LOPATKA ÖVP Austria Group of the European People's Party
Antonio GUTIÉRREZ LIMONES PSOE Spain Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Ahmet Ünal ÇEVİKÖZ CHP Türkiye Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Tiny KOX Socialist Party (SP) Netherlands Group of the Unified European Left
Killion MUNYAMA Coalition of Citizenship (KO) Poland Group of the European People's Party
Akif Çağatay KILIÇ AK Party Türkiye Members not belonging to a Political Group
Ziya ALTUNYALDIZ AK Party Türkiye Members not belonging to a Political Group
Stefan SCHENNACH SPÖ Austria Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Zeynep YILDIZ AK Party Türkiye Members not belonging to a Political Group
Kamil AYDIN MHP Türkiye Members not belonging to a Political Group
Doreen E. MASSEY Labour United Kingdom Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Marija Maja ĆATOVIĆ Democratic Party of Socialists Montenegro Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Ulrich OEHME AfD Germany European Conservatives Group and Democratic Alliance
Simon MOUTQUIN Ecolo-Groen Belgium Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Don TOUHIG Labour United Kingdom Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Ali ŞAHİN AK Party Türkiye Members not belonging to a Political Group
Haluk KOÇ CHP Türkiye Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Martine WONNER France Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Donald ANDERSON Labour United Kingdom Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Giuseppe Maria MORGANTI Libera San Marino Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group
Darya SAFAI N-VA Belgium Members not belonging to a Political Group
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