Saeima of the Republic of Latvia
LV - 1811 - Rīga
Working language: English
31/01/2023 - Monitoring Türkiye: information note by the co-rapporteurs following their fact-finding visit 13/01/2023 - Monitoring PACE monitors for Türkiye meet Osman Kavala 11/01/2023 - Monitoring PACE monitors to visit Türkiye 15/12/2022 - Monitoring PACE monitors say final conviction of Istanbul Mayor would be a serious signal about the state of Turkish democracy 14/10/2022 - Monitoring New disinformation law in Türkiye is ‘a worrying step back’ ahead of 2023 elections, say PACE monitors
12/10/2022 | 12:36:43 Thank you President, Since this is my last intervention in this Parliamentary Assembly, I can be completely open and candid. I fully agree with what Mr John HOWELL said about co‑operation, with very good co‑operation with Turkish representatives. The debates were sometimes very heated; we often disagreed, but they were open, constructive and this is very important. Mister Ahmet YILDIZ, I can't accept your criticism. Yes, the report is very critical, but not because of some prejudice or... 12/10/2022 | 11:13:59 Dear Mister President. As the final timely issue addressed in this report is the preparation for the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2023. Here are some of our findings that concern the electoral environment. First, we regret to see that the situation of opposition politicians remains difficult. Let us recall the previous resolutions adopted by this Assembly and our concerns about the issue of parliamentary immunity. Dozens of MPs have seen their immunity lifted. This is... 24/01/2022 | 10:45:29 Thank you, madam. So Ms Yevheniia KRAVCHUK is challenging the credentials of the delegation of the Russian Federation on procedural grounds under Rule 7 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure. I remind the Assembly that under Rule 7, the challenge must be supported by at least ten members from at least five national delegations. I will invite those who support this challenge to indicate their support using the available voting system. Members present in the chamber should stand in their place... 24/01/2022 | 10:39:52 Thank you. So, Mister ZINGERIS is challenging the credentials of the delegation of the Russian Federation on substantive grounds under Rule 8 of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure. Under Rule 8 your challenge must be supported by at least 30 members from at least 5 national delegations.I will invite those who support this challenge to indicate their support using the available voting system. Members present in the Chamber should stand in their place and use the voting system of the hemicycle... 24/01/2022 | 10:30:48 Ladies and gentlemen, the sitting is open. I declare open the 2022 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Dear colleagues, it's good to address you again in this hemicycle, not remotely. Even if the hemicycle is still quite empty. Our Assembly faced serious difficulties in organising its work under the conditions of pandemic and I would like to praise our Secretariat and the entire staff who cope quite well with the numerous problems. However, we should not...
26/09/2022 | Doc. 15618 | Report The honouring of obligations and commitments by Türkiye 07/06/2021 | Doc. 15307 | Report Should politicians be prosecuted for statements made in the exercise of their mandate? 14/12/2020 | Doc. 15199 | Report Ethnic profiling in Europe: a matter of great concern 01/10/2020 | Doc. 15156 | Report Justice by algorithm – the role of artificial intelligence in policing and criminal justice systems 02/11/2018 | Doc. 14662 | Report Procedure for the election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights
05/01/2023 | Doc. 15676 | Motion for a resolution Reparation and reconciliation processes to overcome past conflicts and build a common peaceful future – the question of just and equal redress 18/10/2022 | Doc. 15638 | Motion for a resolution Recognising Russian warmonger political parties as groups and entities involved in terrorist acts that are subject to institutional sanctions 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15628 | Motion for a resolution Preventing abuse of the right to veto in the Security Council: a perspective by the member States of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15630 | Motion for a resolution Protecting human rights and saving lives in the North Sea and the English Channel 19/09/2022 | Doc. 15610 | Written declaration Ongoing political persecutions on Crimean Tatars in occupied territories of Ukraine
13/10/2022 | Doc. 15631, vote on the draft text for resolution Further escalation in the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine 12/10/2022 | Doc. 15618, vote on the draft text for resolution The honouring of obligations and commitments by Türkiye 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15609, vote on the draft text for resolution Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans 11/10/2022 | Doc. 15609, vote on the draft text for recommendation Supporting a European perspective for the Western Balkans 24/06/2022 | Doc. 15542, vote on the draft text for resolution Fighting vaccine-preventable diseases through quality services and anti-vaccine myth-busting