Socialist Party (SP)
Senate - Eerste Kamer der Staten Generaal
NL - 2500 EA - The Hague
Working language: English
22/01/2024 - Session PACE reviews the work of its subsidiary bodies since the last session 17/01/2024 - President PACE President Tiny Kox, in final address to ministers, calls for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine 15/12/2023 - Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development PACE hearing on the situation of the children of Ukraine 17/11/2023 - President ‘Learning from the victims and survivors of sexual abuse can help to keep other children safe’ 15/11/2023 - President Joint statement by the PACE President and the Speakers of the two chambers of the Mexican Congress
22/01/2024 | 16:35:08 Thank you very much, Mister President. Thank you very much for the well meant compliments. I vote from a new direction, as there is a new President, and so many nice words with regards to the outgoing President. I think we we have shown that presidents come and go, the presidency stays. I welcome it very much that we tried to stick to the procedures that we have developed before my predecessor in the past two years and in the coming times. We need a very solid presidency as we need our... 22/01/2024 | 12:52:25 Dear colleagues, We did do our best. Nevertheless, we have to admit that together we have failed to stop, for almost 24 months now, a horrible war of aggression on European soil. May I only refer to the horrors towards millions and millions of Ukrainian citizens who have been killed, harmed and abducted. This week we will again in the plenary try [to see] how to help these innocent children. I'm honoured that Ms Olena Zelenska will take part in this very important debate on the children of... 22/01/2024 | 12:48:14 Thank you very much. May I first congratulate my dear colleague Mr Theodoros ROUSOPOULOS as our new president. I wish him wisdom and strength. I put full trust in him, in you, dear Theodoros, presiding over a Europe so relevant and vibrant, Agora, as he said, to search for credible answers to often incredible challenges. May I then pay tribute to former distinguished members of the Assembly who sadly passed away recently. Amongst them are my dear friends Mr Dick MARTY and Sir Tony LLOYD... 13/10/2023 | 13:02:52 Thank you very much, dear Vice-President Mister Yıldırım Tuğrul TÜRKEŞ, for presiding. Our next business is to consider the changes proposed in the membership of committees. These are set out in Document Commissions (2023) 07 and Addendum 3. Are the proposed changes in the membership of the Assembly’s committees agreed to? I do not see any objections. The next item on today’s agenda is the continuation of the debate on the Progress Report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee (Doc. 15834... 12/10/2023 | 19:18:41 I shall now put the Amendment to the vote. The vote is open. The vote is closed. I ask for the results to be displayed. The Amendment is adopted. I understand that Mr Ruben RUBINYAN wishes to withdraw Amendment 3. Does anybody else wish to move it? I do not see any. So Amendment 3 is withdrawn. We now will proceed the vote on the draft Recommendation contained in Document 15840 as amended. A two-thirds majority is required to vote. The vote is open. The vote is closed. I ask for the results...
13/09/2021 | Doc. 15364 | Report Guidelines on the scope of the parliamentary immunities enjoyed by members of the Parliamentary Assembly 11/05/2021 | Doc. 15283 | Report Expenditure of the Parliamentary Assembly for the biennium 2022-2023 11/05/2021 | Doc. 15282 | Report Budgets and priorities of the Council of Europe for the period 2022-2025 31/03/2021 | Doc. 15252 | Report The Assembly's vision on the strategic priorities for the Council of Europe 28/01/2020 | Doc. 15050 | Report Challenge, on substantive grounds, of the still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation
29/04/2022 | Doc. 15515 | Motion for a resolution Analysis and guidelines for a sustainable and socially fair energy transition 09/02/2022 | Doc. 15387 | Written declaration Political reform in Kazakhstan responsive to the needs and ambitions of its citizens 01/12/2021 | Doc. 15413 | Motion for a resolution The need to ensure free access to historical documents 30/09/2021 | Doc. 15387 | Written declaration Political reform in Kazakhstan responsive to the needs and ambitions of its citizens 28/06/2021 | Doc. 15337 | Motion for a resolution The challenge of far-right ideology to democracy and human rights in Europe
30/09/2021 | Doc. 15382 rev, vote on the draft text for resolution Increased migration pressure on the borders of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland with Belarus 30/09/2021 | Doc. 15379, vote on the draft text for opinion Draft Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronic evidence 28/09/2021 | Doc. 15366, vote on the draft text for resolution Gender representation in the Parliamentary Assembly 27/09/2021 | Doc. 15363, vote on the draft text for resolution Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan 27/09/2021 | Doc. 15363, vote on the draft text for recommendation Humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan