Member of the House of Lords
House of Lords
GB - SW1A 0PW - London
United Kingdom
Working language: English
04/10/2024 - Session PACE proposes that the Council of Europe draw up a new instrument to address migrant smuggling 27/06/2024 - Session Council of Europe should establish a ‘mediation process’ to help resolve post-conflict disputes 01/12/2023 - Legal Affairs and Human Rights Council of Europe should establish a ‘mediation process’ to help resolve post-conflict disputes
03/10/2024 | 11:52:42 Thank you, Chair. Colleagues, I would like to thank everyone who's contributed to this important debate. I would also like to express my thanks to all the members of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights who gave such support to our rapporteur, Mr Knut ABRAHAM in the preparation of his report. The rapporteur organised significant hearings with leading historians from Ukraine and Germany, and the Committee also heard a detailed presentation by the Ukrainian prosecutor general. The... 03/10/2024 | 10:11:12 Apologies, dear colleagues, for the slight time delay that we just experienced. Good morning to all of you. At the request of Mr Knut ABRAHAM, our rapporteur, I'm presenting this report before you on his behalf, as Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights. Our German colleague could not cancel his important engagements at today's German Unity Day after the report was moved from Monday to this morning. Colleagues, the Holodomor was an artificial famine organised by Joseph... 02/10/2024 | 10:05:43 Dear colleagues, People sometimes ask where lies the power of the Council of Europe? They talk of Article 46 of the Convention. They talk of the Committee of Ministers. But they perhaps fail to recognise that the true power lies in the moral authority of this Assembly. It is both a shield and a sword. It is something that has been difficult to acquire and would be all too easy to lose or compromise. In order to maintain that moral authority, we must always ensure that our statements, our... 27/06/2024 | 10:29:54 Thank you, President. Thank you, colleagues. I want to concentrate as much on process as content so far as this issue is concerned. Of course, it's very important to maintain a clear distinction between what might be termed "lobbying" and what can be regarded as the chilling effects of a foreign agents law. Of course, not all foreign agency legislation is going to be unacceptable, but it must meet certain criteria of legality, legitimacy, and indeed, necessity or proportionality. The concern... 26/06/2024 | 18:48:50 Thank you, President. Thank you, colleagues, for all your contributions today. Thank you to those, such as Mr Arkadiusz MULARCZYK who engaged with me during the preparation of this report. That was greatly appreciated. It does appear to me that the difference of opinion that is emerged rests upon a misunderstanding. We're presented with the suggestion that this is black and white. That on the one hand, only the parties will agree to mediation, and that's the end to the matter. On the other...
27/02/2024 | Doc. 15933 | Report Reparation and reconciliation processes to overcome past conflicts and build a common peaceful future – the question of just and equal redress
14/11/2024 | Doc. 16073 | Written declaration The Parliamentary Assembly must support the Russian democratic opposition 01/10/2024 | Doc. 16051 | Motion for a resolution Violations of media freedom and the right to information in Poland 15/04/2024 | Doc. 15963 | Motion for a resolution A shared European approach to address migrant smuggling 23/06/2023 | Doc. 15812 | Motion for a resolution The role of sanctions as a protective measure for human rights and democracy 23/06/2023 | Doc. 15813 | Written declaration The need for a stronger Parliamentary Assembly stance against human rights violations by the Cuban regime
03/10/2024 | Doc. 16028, vote on the draft text for resolution Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor – Ukraine once again faces the threat of genocide 02/10/2024 | Doc. 16040, vote on the draft text for resolution The detention and conviction of Julian Assange and their chilling effects on human rights 26/06/2024 | Doc. 15933, vote on the draft text for recommendation Reparation and reconciliation processes to overcome past conflicts and build a common peaceful future – the question of just and equal redress 26/06/2024 | Doc. 15998, vote on the draft text for resolution Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine 26/06/2024 | Doc. 15998, vote on the draft text for recommendation Legal and human rights aspects of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine