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Ms Aurora FLORIDIA (Italy, SOC)

Photo member


Senato della Repubblica
IT - 00186 - Roma

Working language: English

Declarations of interests:
2024 , 2023


In the political groups

  • Women’s Group Vice-President: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group since 22/01/2024
  • Member: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group since 23/01/2023

In the Assembly

  • since 19/06/2023 Representative - Italy
  • from 23/01/2023 to 18/06/2023 Substitute - Italy

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Full Member: Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development (since 24/04/2023)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Public Health and Sustainable Development (from 27/04/2023 to 27/01/2025)


Last speeches

28/01/2025 | 18:04:32 Thank you, Mister President, dear colleagues, First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ms Saskia KLUIT for her outstanding work on this crucial and balanced report. Its presentation in this Parliamentary Assembly marks an important moment for the Council of Europe, reaffirming our commitment to the core principles of human rights and humanitarian law, that are and should remain our guiding light. I urge all of you to adopt this report, as it represents not just a... 03/10/2024 | 18:32:41 Thank you, Mister President. Dear colleagues, First I'd like to thank Mr Simon MOUTQUIN once again for his excellent work on the human right to food, a topic that both the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development and myself I fully support and consider of utmost importance. I'd also like to thank, once again, the group of young people now sitting in the gallery. Thank you again for the great smoothie distribution with your mobile kitchen. Maybe we can applaude them... 03/10/2024 | 17:16:13 Thank you, Mister President. Dear colleagues, I have the honour of presenting to the Parliamentary Assembly a report devoted entirely to the right to food, which is one of the cornerstones of the concept of sustainable development. I would like to begin by congratulating the rapporteur and Former President of our Committee, Mr Simon MOUTQUIN, on his inspiration for this subject and his dedication to bringing it to a successful conclusion. I wish to start with some key figures: 2.3 billion... 01/10/2024 | 19:13:34 Thank you. Mister President, Dear colleagues, It is not easy now to speak after these two speeches. My heart is heavy. It's heavy for the tragic situation in Israel and it is heavy for the tragic situation in Gaza. We are here today not to discuss the complex, terrifying and tragic political situation in Gaza and Israel and line up behind one position or the other. Today at the Council of Europe, the cradle of human rights, it is essential that our Assembly focus and concentrate on the human... 01/10/2024 | 18:10:02 Sorry for my delay. Thank you, Mister President. Dear colleagues, I stand before you today to address an issue that strikes at the very foundations of this institution, a pillar of democratic values and human rights. Following a vote in January 2024 within this Assembly in which the majority of us opposed the ratification of credentials for Azerbaijan's delegation, the Azerbaijani government in September declared 76 of our members personae non gratae, thereby banning their entry into the...
