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Mr Vlad BATRÎNCEA (Republic of Moldova, UEL)

Photo member

Bloc of Communists and Socialists

Parlamentul Republicii Moldova
MD - 2073 - Chisinau
Republic of Moldova

Working language: English

Declarations of interests:


In the political groups

  • Member: Group of the Unified European Left since 10/06/2022
  • Member: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group from 24/01/2022 to 09/06/2022
  • Vice-Chairperson: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group from 25/01/2021 to 23/01/2022
  • Member: Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group from 01/08/2017 to 24/01/2021
  • Member: Socialist Group from 26/06/2017 to 31/07/2017

In the Assembly

  • since 26/06/2017 Representative - Republic of Moldova

In the committee(s) and sub-committee(s)

  • Full Member: Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media (since 27/09/2021)
  • Vice-President of the Assembly: Bureau of the Assembly (from 19/04/2021 to 23/01/2022)
  • Vice-President of the Assembly: Standing Committee (from 19/04/2021 to 23/01/2022)
  • Chairperson of national delegation: Standing Committee (from 27/01/2020 to 26/09/2021)
  • Full Member: Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (from 27/06/2019 to 27/01/2020)
  • Full Member: Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media (from 09/10/2017 to 24/01/2021)
  • Full Member: Sub-Committee on Education, Youth and Sport (from 25/01/2018 to 23/01/2019)
  • Alternate of Ms Monica BABUC (Full Member): Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media (from 25/01/2021 to 26/09/2021)
  • Alternate of Mr Mihail POPSOI (Full Member): Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy (from 27/06/2019 to 27/01/2020)


Last speeches

24/06/2022 | 11:59:58 Thank you, President. Dear colleagues,  I am grateful to have this opportunity to discuss with you the situation in the Republic of Moldova, my country. Allow me to inform you that the Republic of Moldova managed, including the support provided by the Council of Europe, to make important steps in the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law, such as strengthening the independence of the judiciary, approving the strategy and the action plan to ensure independence and integrity of the... 27/09/2021 | 16:09:35 Thank you. I would like to thank Mr Stefan SCHENNACH for his fairly objective report which doesn't sink into emotions and basically focuses on facts and matters which Mr SCHENNACH and others were able to see in the Republic of Moldova. The elections in Moldova were open and there was a large number of parties competing and, according to the report, the central electoral commission for the first time in Moldova did not support or favour any one candidate but provided an objective result. And... 29/01/2020 | 18:54:13 Thank you, President. Colleagues, if I understand correctly, the question before us is that of ratifying credentials. It seemed to me that in June last year when changes were made to the rules of the Assembly, a clear answer was given to a question. It was made clear that the main role of the Council of Europe is to represent 47 countries. We are a parliamentary platform and we're all here because the taxpayers through our parliaments pay for us to be here. And we know that it is the... 28/06/2019 | 12:17:35 Thank you very much, Madam President. I'd like to say that this indeed was a very historical session. This summer session was very special because it is the 70th anniversary of this particular structure. On this particular occasion we have the opportunity to take stalk of what the situation is in the Members States of the Council of Europe. Major work has been done by the Secretary General, by the various committees. Our Parliamentary Assembly has been a major side-place venue, where very... 24/06/2019 | 18:30:23 .Thank you very much Madam President. Dear colleagues, there has been a lot of emotion in this hemicycle. We've heard a lot of harsh words. But I think that the rapporteurs have done a very hard job to give the right answers. After 70 years of existence, will the Parliamentary Assembly be able to preserve the unity of the organisation and the unity of its values? Let us remember, first and foremost, that this is a parliamentary forum. No one has the right to exclude parlamentarians from...
