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12 représentants12 suppléants


Mr Borys KOLISNYCHENKO Delegation Secretary

Secrétariat permanent Head of the Interparliamentary Relations Directorate Tel : +380 44 255 27 92 Email : [email protected]

Session de Strasbourg Bureau : 5.040/42/44/46/48/50 Tel : 3006/3998/4046/4078/

Mr Igor SOFIN Deputy Secretary

Secrétariat permanent Tel : 380 44 255 25 07 Email : [email protected]

Session de Strasbourg Bureau : 5.040/42/44/46/48/50 Tel : 3006/3998/4046/4078


Secrétariat permanent Tel : +380 93 551 34 08 Email : [email protected]

Session de Strasbourg Bureau : 5.040/42/44/46/48/50 Tel : 3006/3998/4046/4078

Interparliamentary Relations Directorate

5 Hrushevskyi Street UA - 01008 Kyiv

Secretariat of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

5 Hrushevskyi Street UA - 01008 Kyiv

Verkhovna Rada

5 Hrushevskoho Street UA - 01008 Kyiv Tel : +380 44 253 32 17 Fax : +380 44 253 32 17 Email : [email protected]